Cat Mom Diary #05 | Things have gotten worse. Treating Osiris for Urinary Blockage.

One week after our first visit to the vet, we are back again. Things have gotten a bit worse. To be honest, these past days were mentally exhausting. Overthinking and worrying couldn't seem to escape me. August should have been easy as there weren't any special activities (dancing or traveling) planned out. Putting actions on my goals were my priorities this month and yet the Universe has other plans for me...




August 15, 2022, 9:30 pm

Osiris couldn't pee again. Despite the frequent visit to his litter pan and still nothing. He even wanted to pee at my bed. The clinic's opening hours was 8:00 am the next day which was more likely 11 hours of not being able to pee. Fuck, this time around I'm dead worried he wouldn't make it. My heart sank. My mind wondered to all worst possible outcome. If things indeed went south, I wouldn't hesitate to have him euthanized as well. My past experience with our deceased pet dog Ginger taught me not to prolong our pet's agony and pain and just let them cross the rainbow bridge as soon as possible. Tears can't resist flowing from my eyes as these sentiments were relayed to my mom and sister.

August 16, 2022, 2:30 am

Sleep was almost non-existent as I wake up every hour because of my mental anxiety. However, a peek at Osiris litter pan eased my worries away. Two lumps of cat litter were proof enough he was able to pee. A big sigh of relief for me that night but a trip to the vet was still required later that day.




August 16, 2022, 1:30 pm

Three dogs lined up for a check-up. We waited for a few minutes till it was our turn. The assisting staff somehow already recognized Osiris for his not-best-demeanor during our first visit. The doctor was quick to get the sedative, ready to drain Osiris bladder after telling him that Osiris wasn't able to pee again. Panic came to me and continued telling the doctor the whole story of what transpired the other night. He didn't proceed with whatever he planned on doing that day.



Another batch of medicines were prescribed and my total bill was only Php 808 or $14.47. Another big sigh of relief. However the doctor suggested that we changed his diet and recommended purchasing the Royal Canin Urinary SO food which costs Php 1400 or USD 25 per 2 kgs of bag 😩. It's expensive from the one we currently have but this brand was designed to help melt the small crystals that have already formed inside Osiris. Since this wasn't available locally, buying them online (which I already did) was the only way which meant waiting for it for a couple of more days to arrive.

We made it home with a lighter heart hoping that things would get better or so I thought...

August 17, 2022, 8:00 am

Same thing happened. Osiris was pacing back and forth in his litter pan. Despite my frustrations, this time around my emotions were a bit calmer and bringing him to the vet was a must.



August 17, 2022, 12:20 pm

The clinic was packed with fur friends. Agatha the resident cat got annoyed with Osiris as she was hissed at for just coming close to him. There were several dogs coming in and out too. A little girl let me pet her puppy. A cat needed to be neutered was brought inside a bamboo cage. A hairless dog was also waiting to be checked for his skin allergy.






August 17, 2022, 1:30 pm

Once inside the doctor's room, there were no longer conversations or storytelling. The doctor knew what needed to be done. Osiris was sedated and placed inside a cage until he was unconscious. My heart sank again. This brought back old memories of Ginger. My mind and heart was fighting back the tears as I watched the doctor and his assistant worked on Osiris. Watching over from the other side of the cubicle was nerve-wracking.





The procedure required a catheter to be inserted in his urinary tract and the bladder emptied out. A lot of liquid was drained out. After which the tip of the catheter was sewn in place. The catheter was required to stay for 2 weeks inside his body. An e-collar was placed around his neck to prevent him from removing the tip of the catheter. Osiris wouldn't be able to control his urine flow for now and cleaning work would be twice of an effort now.






Another batch of medicines were prescribed. A huge amount of bill was anticipated and thought that money-on-hand was insufficient but the paper showed Php 1460 or USD 26.07 which was actually cheaper compared if this was done at the city. The clinic was not overpricing their services and medicines which was a good thing.


August 17, 2022, 3:30 pm

Osiris was wide awake but groggy from the medical procedure. He was having a hard time finding his balance because of the e-collar and was confused of the catheter inside his body. He was in a lot of pain too. He was walking around the room banging his head on things that obstructed his way. He kept going under the bed which was a nuisance as it was hard for me to reach him. His collar got unbuttoned and when we tried putting it back on, we were met with undeniable rage from his scratches.



Initially, he wandered around the room and slept where he felt comfortable including my bed. Later on, realization hit me when the doctor said cat's urine is pungent. A visible wet mark can be seen from where he slept and the odor was already sticking.

August 18, 2022, 6:30 am

His comfort and recovery was my main priority but efficiency was also in mind. A win-win situation was needed. Now, the other half of my room is his. Things were cleared out from his way and an extra bed was used as a divider for us. This way it would be easier for him to walk around and easier for me to clean up after him.


Negative comments have been directed at me especially from my relatives living close by. Their statements would always be "pampered pets are the ones who usually get sick, if it was a stray one, they wouldn't get sick at all." My old self would have reacted right away or presented a rebuttal however this wasn't the case anymore. No matter what you say or what you do, people will always have an opinion or judge you so my respond would be nothing. Listening, not taking to heart any negative feedback and walking away was the best option for me. My time and energy can't be wasted on mindless and unconscious behaviors of people.

To be honest, Osiris may or may not get better from this but I would like to give him the best life he could have with me. And that is all there is to know.

Cat Mom Diary #04 |An unexpected trip to the Vet Clinic. Osiris is in pain!

Cat Mom Diary #03 | I Might Have A Swimmer Cat After All!

Cat Mom Diary #02 | Thought This Kitten Was A She!

Cat Mom Diary #01 | Never in my life would I thought I'd become a Cat Mom!

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