Cat Mom Diary #02 | Thought This Kitten Was A She!


Saturdays will be dedicated for my Cat Mom Diaries. Well, this gives me a chance to pour my thoughts or document my journey as a fur parent.

It takes some time for people to decide on getting pets. Others in an instant. And it is a responsibility! And with the tons of responsibilities one has, not all will give in to the idea of getting a pet despite wanting it so badly. In my case? Ugh... The universe handed this cat to me. You can read all about it from my previous blog. Anyways, 2 months has passed and we have bonded a lot. I don't think I would ever regret this "added responsibility" in my life.

Right after I found this kitten from my mom's garden, I initially thought this was a SHE! So, out of cluelessness, I decided to name it ISIS based from my favorite Egyptian Goddess of the Moon. Three days passed and I kept calling her Isis so that she would get used to it as soon as possible. Until a friend told me there was a free anti-rabies shot for dogs and cats at a certain mall as part of a Pet Show. So, I and Isis went there on the said event date.


The veterinarian examined Isis and informed me that she couldn't be given shots yet since she was less than 3 months old when I found her. But they gave me a tablet for her deworming. When everything else was said, I finally decided to confirm my kitten's gender. And that was when the vet dropped the ball on me that Isis was a boy! 😭

The vet showed me that Isis' balls haven't descended yet so it was fine of me to mistake it as a girl as I'm also a first time cat mom. Oh, well! At least we didn't made it past a month of calling him "Isis". So now, I had to think of another name that suits his gender.



While still checking out some names of Egyptian Gods, I decided to visit @thechivalry's booth at SM City. There were some cat supplies I needed to get including toys to satisfy me ever growing curious kitten.

Our journey home was just me wording out some names of Egyptian gods and I ended liking 3 gods which were: Thoth - God of Wisdom , Amun Ra - God of , and Osiris - God of the Underworld.

As much as I really like the God of Wisdom, the word "Thoth" is just hard to word out for others. My second choice was Amun Ra but it sounded too regal, my cat might think he is the master. Then my last choice was Osiris which was easier to say, less regal and the husband of Isis. My older sister approves. So I ended up with changing my kitten's name from Isis to Osiris!


It took about 2-3 weeks when I noticed him responding to his name. My mom wouldn't say his name as she doesn't initially approves having pets at home. But she warmed up eventually.


Having Osiris was a blessing in disguise. He helped me be grounded for the past 2 months. When he asks for scratches, it makes me take breaks from continuously sitting on the chair and working on my laptop for hours. When I catch him bird watching, it also forces me to have a moment of stillness from the "busy-ness" I put myself into. And when I see him sleeping in unusual places and in funny positions, it makes me smile especially when I have bad days.





See you next Caturday! 😁😻

Cat Mom Diary #01 | Never in my life would I thought I'd become a Cat Mom!

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