MD: Beginning Our Good-Byes

MD came to us slowly - an older black tom cat who had been badly hurt by a slingshot. Black cats are considered unlucky by many of the older, superstitious Thai people and are often driven away with slingshots or sticks. I started offering him food but he was TERRIFIED of people and he would watch intently from the other side of the garden, and only limp over when he thought no one was close or watching. He hobbled on 3 legs, had mouth damage and a missing fang and was patchy with fur missing in clumps, and already showing grey in his fur.

Slowly, ever so slowly over a period of almost 9 months, he inched forward and eventually allowed me to touch him and love on him. He became "Our Boy".

And for the last 14 months he has surprised us by becoming really domesticated, to the point of neatly p'ing in the toilet in my ensuite!! He loves to cuddle and will sit for hours, close and just quietly enjoying the sense of belonging and being ours. He has his daily routines of patrol - he suns himself at various stations around the perimeter of the garden, keeping watch and defending his place.

Just 6 weeks ago we lost his playmate and buddy Mr Gin, our other male cat. It was a terrible loss. Mr Gin succumbed to FIV which is really common here in Thailand and also very contagious. In the space of around 6 weeks he went from being a huge and healthy, playful cat of almost 5kg to being a walking skeleton who died in my arms. We were heartbroken. MD and Mr Gin used to hang together on the front driveway, sunning themselves a polite distance from one another, but always close. MD ate first and they never squabbled or fought.

This week, MD also suddenly stopped eating and drinking. Plagued by endless eye problems that aren't responding to medication, we think he's blind in one eye. And he's decided enough is enough.




He's dramatically lost weight in just a few days and is down to around one kilo. And he's rapidly losing his black colour, as his tired body is shutting down and he's refusing food and water.

Alarming to watch.

He has refused to come home the last days, other than for a brief 10 minute social call each day. He walks in, stiffly and slowly, and meows to tell us he's home. And then he drops at my feet for a rub and pat, although he suddenly doesn't seem to want to be held or cuddled. So we sit with him for 10 mins and love on him and tell him he's handsome and that he's made us so happy.



10-15 mins is all he allows. He walks off without a sound.... and he's sleeping out rough, somewhere in the jungle around our house. I'm glad the nights are no longer cold for him and our brief cool season is over.

Euthanizing animals is not easily done at all in Thailand, as Thai people believe each animal should live out its karma. As it is, thankfully, it appears MD is not in serious pain. He's just decided it's his time, and has stopped eating and drinking and begun his leave-taking. The pattern and progression are almost the same as the process with Mr Gin. And looking at MD yesterday, his remaining time with us is very short.

We're deeply saddened to be losing the second of our 3 cats in such a short time. And our remaining girl cat, Miss Cinny, is clingy and bewildered. She keeps walking round the house looking for the boys, and has become my new shadow and quite needy. I'm loving on her as best I can, and taking great comfort from her closeness.


Feeling My Boy as he begins his transition.... and so incredibly grateful for the time we've had and the love and trust he's been able to give, despite an obviously terrible earlier life.

So sad, Enjoying the moments we have left when he allows, and Waiting....

We are all just walking each other Home.


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