Caturday... on SUNDAY... with Mr. Grey the Stray...

As usual... I was a bit mixed up about what day it is/was ever since I became an 'official' Senior Citizen, with no 2022 calendar to check, encroaching senility, possible covid damaged brain cells and a host of other stuff I'm sure enters the increasing cognitive decline - like hallucinogenic drug experimentation in my younger Hippie days...😵

Here's a picture of one of my many straycat friends who visit on a daily basis. I call him Greystone or Mr. Grey or sometimes, simply Little Boy or Baby Boy; don't ask why, because I really don't know...?!?!?!?

Look how dirty the poor bays paws are in this picture. He must be feeling a little depressed and not concerned about his grooming lately? Usually, he keeps himself so clean, that you'd be fooled into thinking he's a house pet, rather than an abandoned or lost homeless feline.

Actually, he's not homeless, because he's always welcome to stay at my house for as long as he wants... ever since I spotted him sleeping in the flower-pot atop the railing of my back porch, over two years ago.

I've had quite a few little kitties climb into that planter; it must be comfortable? Maybe I'll lay in it myself one day to find out...?!?!?!?!?


Not much else has been happening around here to shout about... life has been comfortably boring these days. When you're my age, retired and mostly sitting back, looking over your life in memories... you get enough smiles from out of the mist, pleasing the senses😎 Enough so, that it keeps you from wanting to jump in front of a speeding bus on a rain soaked highway...

Well, my friends... that's about all I got for now. Till next time, I hope the smiles pile up within your spongy-matter for future recall.



Be Kind to Animals

April 9, 2022
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