There's the mascot. Can't you see it?


We arrived at an area of apartments. They are just two levels, first floor and second floor. We knocked on the door and were asked to wait a moment. Suddenly, my friend points to a potted plant next to the door. I turn around, look at it, don't see anything special, and turn back to my friend and say, "What's in it?" And he replies, "Take a good look". Snails... Really?

There's that little turtle in the middle of breakfast. What's more, I think we interrupted it with our presence. How rude! It seemed that she had stopped eating and was just looking at us strangely. Meanwhile, after expressing my surprise in silence by raising my eyebrows and opening my mouth (because you know that in an apartment area everything can be heard, so you have to be discreet), I then reacted and took out my phone to try to take some pictures of her hoping she wouldn't hide.

Fortunately, she moved little and allowed my phone little by little to get closer to her. So I took these nice pictures.

I find it shocking how tame these animals are. Of course, I must admit that this place doesn't seem to me suitable to have such a noble little animal as a turtle. I hope it is momentary, although it doesn't seem to be, because it even has its own water container. What he can't complain about is that he is going hungry, because those lettuce leaves were very big and very fresh.

People when they want to have pets in apartments definitely have some pretty.... ...peculiar. Unfortunately we were not able to talk to the owner, to ask him about the age of the animal, its name and what he plans to do with it. I just hope this animal can have what it needs to live a long and happy life.


Llegamos a una zona de apartamentos. Apenas son de dos niveles, planta baja y primer piso. Tocamos la puerta y nos pidieron que esperáramos un momento. De pronto, mi amigo me señala una maceta con una planta al lado de la puerta. Yo volteo, la observo, no veo nada especial, y volteo de nuevo a ver a mi amigo y le digo: "¿Qué tiene?" Y él me responde: "Mira bien". Caracoles... ¿En serio?

Esta esa pequeña tortuga en pleno desayuno. Es más, creo que la interrumpimos con nuestra presencia. ¡Qué maleducados! Es que parecía que se había detenido de comer y sólo nos miraba extrañada. Mientras tanto, luego de expresar mi sorpresa en silencio subiendo mis cejas y abriendo la boca (porque saben que en zona de apartamentos todo se escucha, así que hay que ser discretos), entonces reaccioné y saqué mi teléfono para intentar tomarle unas fotos esperando que no se escondiera.

Afortunadamente, ella se movió poco y permitió que mi teléfono poco a poco se acercara a ella. Así que tomé éstas bonitas fotos.

Me parece impactante lo mansos que son estos animales. Claro, debo admitir que ese lugar no me parece adecuado para tener a un animalito tan noble como una tortuga. Espero que sea momentáneo, aunque no parece, porque hasta su envase para el agua tiene. Lo que si no se puede quejar es que está pasando hambre, porque esas hojas de lechuga eran bien grandes y estaban muy frescas.

Las personas cuando quieren tener mascotas en los apartamentos definitivamente tienen ideas bastante... ...peculiares. Lamentablemente no pudimos hablar con su dueño, para preguntarle sobre la edad del animal, su nombre y qué piensa hacer con él. Sólo espero que éste animal pueda tener lo necesario para tener una larga vida y feliz.


Banner 2022.jpg


Images: Made by me in GIMP with images captured with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 phone
Banner: Made by me in GIMP with my own images and free resources from the site
Language: Post written in Spanish and then translated into English through DeepL

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