El fantasma (The ghost) [ES/EN]

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El fantasma

Pedro y Ernesto eran hermanos de 12 y 14 años respectivamente, siempre andaban en su comunidad, jugando al fútbol, subiendo a los árboles, ayudando a los vecinos, en fin eran muy extrovertidos e inquietos, cierto día, estando en casa de doña Dorotea, escuchaban una conversación que ella tenía con un familiar que la visitaba de la ciudad, le contaba que en la casa abandonada que estaba a las afuera de aquel municipio, salían unos espíritus y que al pasar por allí, se oían gritos y golpes y como si movieran las cosas dentro de dicha casa.

Los chicos al oír aquello, con miradas cómplices se sonrieron, ambos habían pensado lo mismo ir a constatar si era cierto, no le tenían miedo a nada, al salir de la casa de la anciana se pusieron de acuerdo para visitar aquel lugar embrujado para saber si era cierto lo que se decía de los fantasmas.

Acordaron ir el día viernes a las 4:00 p.m porque sus padres no podían enterarse que ellos visitarían aquella casa, lo harían a la hora de practicar fútbol así nadie notaría sus ausencias. Revisaron sus morrales y llevaban lo necesario sobre todo sus linternas.

Salieron con emoción a descubrir el misterio, sí es que lo había, al llegar Pedro le enseñó a su hermano sus brazos erizados, pero sin decir palabras caminaron hacia aquella lúgubre casa, al estar en el patio sintieron la sensación de que fuera más tarde, ambos miraban sus relojes, le dieron una vuelta, en búsqueda de alguna ventana rota para entrar, justo en la parte de atrás, estaba la puerta abierta, la brisa la hacía chirriar de manera escalofriante, los hermanos se miran y tragaban grueso, pero decididos a entrar.

Ernesto toma la delantera, dentro de la casa era más oscuro de lo normal a esa hora de la tarde, lo normal era que entrará un poco de luz, pero era una tiniebla, con linternas en manos avanzaban a paso cauteloso, en la sala oyeron un grito, Pedro se aferró a su hermano gimoteando y entre palabras cortadas le suplicaba salir. Ernesto al sentir a su hermano tan nervioso decidió retroceder, pero la puerta se cerró.

Ambos gritaron de miedo y una carcajada se dejaba oír tenebrosa y burlona, desesperados alumbraban para buscar una salida de aquella pesadilla, corrieron hacia la puerta por donde ingresaron, pero estaba atascada. De pronto oyeron unos pasos lentos dirigiéndose hacia ellos, voltearon para ver a la persona y sus linternas se apagaron, con una voz de ultratumba oyeron hablar a aquel fantasma.

–¿Quién los ha llamado a mi casa?

Sintieron la voz pegada a sus oídos, sus cabezas la sentían enormes, cuando creyeron desfallecer la puerta se abrió, salieron despavoridos, corrieron cual alma que lleva el diablo; estando lo suficientemente lejos se detenían y se abrazaban, ambos quedaron de acuerdo que aquel sería su secreto, nadie debía enterarse de lo ocurrido y enterrarían ese horrible episodio para siempre.



The ghost

Pedro and Ernesto were brothers of 12 and 14 years old respectively, they were always in their community, playing soccer, climbing trees, helping the neighbors, in short they were very extroverted and restless, one day, being at Doña Dorotea's house, they listened to a conversation she had with a relative who was visiting her from the city, she told him that in the abandoned house that was outside that town, some spirits were coming out and that when they passed by there, they heard screams and blows and as if they were moving things inside the house.

When the boys heard this, they smiled at each other with complicit looks, both had thought the same thing, they were not afraid of anything, when they left the old woman's house they agreed to visit that haunted place to find out if it was true what was said about the ghosts.

They agreed to go on Friday at 4:00 p.m. because their parents could not find out that they would visit that house, they would do it at soccer practice time so no one would notice their absence. They checked their backpacks and took what they needed, especially their flashlights.

They went out with excitement to discover the mystery, if there was one, when they arrived Pedro showed his brother his bristly arms, but without saying words they walked towards that gloomy house, when they were in the patio they felt the sensation that it was later, both looked at their watches, they walked around, looking for a broken window to enter, right in the back, the door was open, the breeze made it creak in a creepy way, the brothers looked at each other and swallowed thickly, but determined to enter.

Ernesto took the lead, inside the house it was darker than usual at that time of the afternoon, it was normal for a little light to enter, but it was a darkness, with flashlights in their hands they advanced at a cautious pace, in the living room they heard a scream, Pedro clung to his brother whimpering and in broken words he begged him to leave. Ernesto, feeling his brother so nervous, decided to retreat, but the door closed.

They both screamed in fear and a dark and mocking laughter could be heard, desperate to find a way out of that nightmare, they ran towards the door through which they entered, but it was stuck. Suddenly they heard slow footsteps heading towards them, they turned to see the person and their flashlights went out, with a voice from beyond the grave they heard the ghost speak. "Who called you to my house?"

They felt the voice stuck to their ears, their heads felt it huge, when they thought they were fainting the door opened, they ran out terrified, they ran like the devil's soul; being far enough away they stopped and hugged each other, both agreed that that would be their secret, no one should know what happened and they would bury that horrible episode forever.


Fuentes imagen de portada Fuente 1 Fuente 2 Edición por Rincón Poético.

Texto autoría de:
Yenny aldazora

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