Felina - A bloody love story | En-Es|

Story inspired by real events that have not yet occurred.

Historia inspirada en hechos reales que aún no han ocurrido.


Source Pixabay _ Photo by Xusenru _ Edited in Canva

The pain in his back had intensified due to the long trip. Óscar had to leave his country through the Colombian border, arrive in Bogota to take a flight that took six and a half hours to reach Ezeiza International Airport in Buenos Aires, it was February, the middle of the Argentinean summer. He was used to the heat, his country was tropical, but the trip was exhausting and the pain reminded him of it as he boarded an old car painted yellow and black.

Despite the long trip, he felt happy. It was his first time in Buenos Aires, he looked out the cab window contentedly, enjoying the architecture of the city and thinking about her. The woman he had been in love with for a long time. They had become friends through social networks, both had blogs and created videos for the internet. Óscar had raised money for a year to pay for all expenses, passport, plane tickets, etc. The economic crisis in his country was strong and he had just enough to spend a few days in Argentina.

The car stopped abruptly and at that moment he realized that the cab driver had been chattering during the ride, while he was absorbed in his thoughts. The man behind the wheel was of Uruguayan origin, but he knew all about the history of the city that had been his home for twenty years. He pointed to a building, the Lomas del Mirador popular memory center, a place that during the Videla dictatorship was used as a clandestine torture center. It is said that some nights they hear screams of spirits or strange apparitions.

Óscar Delgado felt a shiver and again the twinge in his back. Wiping his sweat with the sleeve of his shirt, the cab driver apologized again for having the air conditioning broken and continued telling him that the neighborhood of La Matanza is the most populated and dangerous in the Greater Buenos Aires area. In that urban jungle many stories are hidden, the last ones coming from exactly where he was going.

The cab started as soon as Óscar took out his suitcase, he felt dizzy from all the talking of the driver. A hundred meters away he saw the land with three houses, one of them belonging to Ivanna, the thirty-year-old woman who had conquered his heart from afar. He walked without haste. The pain in his back and a little overweight made him easily exhausted. I have to go on a diet! he repeated to himself every day, but at that moment he was only thinking about eating the chicken pizza that Ivanna had promised to prepare especially for him.

The houses around the long street looked abandoned, it was four o'clock in the afternoon, there were no cars parked. the area was a little neglected, but none of that mattered, he only thought about meeting her, about the days they would spend together, now that she had separated from her husband Germán. Apparently it was because she found him with a younger girl. Óscar wanted to comfort her in his strong arms.

He felt someone watching him, and from one of the old buildings he noticed someone peeping through a window. It was probably the nosy neighbor Ivanna had told him about, a lady who had a Doberman dog that frightened the kittens in the area. He peeked through the trellis and saw a large doghouse, but it was overgrown with bushes, looking totally abandoned. He hurried his steps, another shiver ran through his body, "damn pain in his back!"


Source Pixabay _ Image by Dasha Kartavtseva

Night was falling, the heat had dissipated, the trip had been worth it. Óscar was hallucinating, they had been chatting and laughing for more than an hour, the remains of the promised pizza were on the table. The joy was evident, he was still excited by the strong hug she gave him when she saw him arrive at the door of her house. They continued talking and laughing remembering how they had met and the friendship they had forged. Five kittens slept on one of the pieces of furniture, while he gazed raptly at his beloved Ivanna.

The house in the back was alone, she told him that her mother and sister had gone to spend a few days in a rural area. She was left alone to be with him. She told him how her ex-husband cheated on her in her own home with a college student. Óscar noticed that she was getting a little sad, he took her hand, smiled at her and told her not to worry, that he was there to support her. He pulled her close to his shoulder, she hugged him, he stared and a sweet kiss on the lips made his guest's skin bristle.

They entered the room, Óscar thought he was dreaming, desperate he took off all his clothes, fortunately she laid him on the bed, because he still felt the pain in his back that tormented him, but he wouldn't let that ruin the magical moment. She took off her blouse. Óscar's hands were shaking, touching that delicate white skin was driving him crazy. Ivanna was in control, she took his hands and tied them with ropes to the wooden bed. A passionate kiss and the raspberry scent of Ivanna's skin made him feel in paradise. She stared at him, her eyes seemed to change color, becoming lighter. He closed his eyes as she began to lick his neck and down his chest.

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Source Pixabay _ Image by Engin Akyurt

The pleasure suddenly vanished. A sharp pain made the strong man scream. The licking stopped and strong fangs penetrated his chest, tearing off a piece of flesh. Terrified he saw how his beloved seemed possessed, with a mouth full of blood she smiled at him, about four fangs protruding. Óscar kicked trying to knock her down, but she stuck him with long and strong hooves that came out of her hands. The cry for help was useless, the pain made her feel nauseous. Ivanna raised her hands, covered with blood, and like a feline she licked them to feed on the thick liquid.

The Dantesque scene made Óscar react. He would not let himself be defeated so easily. He looked like a wounded bull, with all his strength he moved his arms until he managed to free himself from the restraints, the wood of the bed was loose and he was able to break it. He asserted a kick in the abdomen of Ivanna, who fell to the floor. The frightened man ran naked through the house, tried to open the door, but they had passed the key. The windows had a metal grill. He cried for help as tears streamed down his cheek. The street was completely silent. Only a faint light was visible from the old house of the local gossipy lady, but suddenly it was extinguished.

"Think! Think!" he said to himself. He went to the kitchen, checking everywhere without finding the knives or anything that could be used as a weapon. He saw two large refrigerators, and when he opened them, he couldn't believe what was inside. Human remains, including the head of Ivanna's husband, preserved by the cold. Óscar put his hands to his head, wishing it was all a nightmare and waking up. "A knife!" The sharp metal blade was on the bottom of the refrigerator, it seemed to have traces of blood on it. He held it with both hands and at that moment all the lights in the house went out.

Óscar was punching the air with the knife in his hand. He could see absolutely nothing. He tried to calm down, he could hear something, it was a running sound that was getting louder and louder. He felt the presence of her, who, agile as a cat, was moving around the house, playing with her prey. A meow made him turn around and Ivanna pounced on him, digging her claws into his face. She could go on like this all night until she exhausted him.

The wounds were weakening him, his body would not resist much longer, he held on to the edge of the stove and felt a box of matches. He lit one by one, as fast as he could, to be able to see, looking for a way out. Until he perceived a faint light coming from a room, it looked like the illumination of a laptop screen, he went to that room frantically and suddenly felt himself falling into a void.

He was dazed, he received several blows from a ladder, he did not realize that there was a hole at the entrance of the floor of that room, he fell into a kind of basement. Some candle lamps hung around, old furniture, boxes, the place looked like a dump. The pain in her back did not let her move, her attempts were in vain. She moved like a feline in heat, approaching him, watching him. Óscar no longer had the strength to move his arms.

"I loved you" she said sobbing.

"Calm down dear, you will have what you always wanted, you wanted to be mine forever. Come on little cats, it's time to feed. ...."

Cats came out from everywhere, they were countless, there were hundreds of them, with hungry eyes. It was time to say goodbye to the love of her life, to the chicken pizzas, to the visit to Campanopolis. Ivanna licked the blood from Óscar's mouth before he let out a terrifying scream and hundreds of cats pounced on his body.

Version en Español

El dolor en su espalda se había intensificado debido al largo viaje. Óscar tuvo que salir de su país por la frontera colombiana, llegar a Bogotá para tomar un vuelo que tardó seis horas y media en llegar al Aeropuerto Internacional de Ezeiza en Buenos Aires, era febrero, pleno verano argentino. El estaba acostumbrado al calor, su país era tropical, pero el viaje fue agotador y el dolor se lo recordó cuando abordo un viejo auto pintado de amarillo y negro.

A pesar del largo viaje, se sentía feliz. Era su primera vez en Buenos Aires, miraba contento por la ventanilla del taxi, disfrutando de la arquitectura de la ciudad y pensando en ella. La mujer de la que estaba enamorado desde hacía mucho tiempo. Se habían hecho amigos a través de las redes sociales, ambos tenían blogs y creaban vídeos para internet. Óscar había reunido dinero durante un año para pagar todos los gastos, pasaporte, billetes de avión, etc. La crisis económica en su país era fuerte y tenía lo justo para pasar unos días en Argentina.

El automóvil paró bruscamente y en ese momento se dio cuenta de que el taxista había estado parloteando durante el trayecto, mientras estaba absorto en sus pensamientos. El hombre al volante era de origen uruguayo, pero conocía toda la historia de la ciudad que había sido su hogar durante veinte años. Señaló un edificio, el centro de memoria popular Lomas del Mirador, un lugar que durante la dictadura de Videla fue utilizado como centro clandestino de tortura. Se dice que algunas noches se escuchan gritos de espíritus o extrañas apariciones.

Óscar Delgado sintió un escalofrío y de nuevo la punzada en la espalda. Secándose el sudor con la manga de la camisa, el taxista volvió a disculparse por tener el aire acondicionado estropeado y continuó contándole que el barrio de La Matanza es el más poblado y peligroso del conurbano bonaerense. En esa jungla urbana se esconden muchas historias, las últimas procedentes exactamente del lugar al que él se dirigía.

El taxi arrancó en cuanto Óscar sacó la valija, se sentía mareado de tanto que hablaba el chofer. A cien metros vio el terreno con tres casas, una de ellas de Ivanna, la mujer de treinta años que había conquistado su corazón desde lejos. Caminó sin prisa. El dolor de espalda y algo de sobrepeso hacían que se agotara con facilidad. ¡Tengo que ponerme a dieta! se repetía cada día, pero en aquel momento sólo pensaba en comerse la pizza con pollo que Ivanna le había prometido preparar especialmente para él.

Las casas alrededor de la larga calle parecían abandonadas, eran las cuatro de la tarde, no había coches aparcados. la zona estaba un poco descuidada, pero nada de eso importaba, sólo pensaba en conocerla, en los días que pasarían juntos, ahora que se había separado de su marido Germán. Al parecer fue porque lo encontró con una chica más joven. Óscar deseaba consolarla entre sus fuertes brazos.

Sintió que alguien le observaba, y desde uno de los viejos edificios se noto a alguien espiando a través de una ventana . Probablemente era la vecina cotilla que le había hablado Ivanna, una señora que tenía un perro doberman que asustaba a los gatitos de la zona. Se asomó por el enrejado y vio una gran caseta para perros, pero estaba cubierta de arbustos, parecía totalmente abandonada. Apuró sus pasos, otro escalofrío recorrió su cuerpo, ¡maldito dolor en la espalda!


Source Pixabay _ Image by Dasha Kartavtseva

Caía la noche, el calor se había disipado, el viaje había merecido la pena. Óscar estaba alucinando, ya llevaban más de una hora charlando y riendo, los restos de la pizza prometida estaban sobre la mesa. La alegría era evidente, aún estaba emocionado por el fuerte abrazo que ella le dio al verle llegar a la puerta de su casa. Siguieron hablando y riendo recordando cómo se habían conocido y la amistad que habían forjado. Cinco gatitos dormían sobre uno de los muebles, mientras él contemplaba embelesado a su amada Ivanna.

La casa del fondo estaba sola, ella le contó que su madre y su hermana se habían ido a pasar unos días a una zona rural. Ella se quedó sola para estar con él. Le contó como su ex marido la engañó en su propia casa con una estudiante universitaria. Óscar notó que se ponía un poco triste, la cogió de la mano, le sonrió y le dijo que no se preocupara, que él estaba ahí para apoyarla. La acercó a su hombro, ella lo abrazó, miró fijamente y un dulce beso en los labios erizó la piel de su invitado.

Entraron a la habitación, Óscar pensó que estaba soñando, desesperado se quitó toda la ropa, afortunadamente ella lo recostó en la cama, porque aún sentía el dolor en la espalda que lo atormentaba, pero no dejaría que eso arruinara el mágico momento. Ella se quitó la blusa. A Óscar le temblaban las manos, tocar aquella delicada piel blanca le estaba volviendo loco. Ivanna tenía el control, le cogió las manos y las ató con cuerdas a la cama de madera. Un beso apasionado y el aroma a frambuesa de la piel de Ivanna le hicieron sentirse en el paraíso. Ella lo miraba fijamente, sus ojos parecían cambiar de color, volviéndose más claros. Él cerró los ojos mientras ella empezaba a lamerle el cuello y a bajar por su pecho.

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Source Pixabay _ Image by Engin Akyurt

El placer se esfumo de forma súbita. Un fuerte dolor hizo que el fortachón hombre gritara. Los lamidos pararon y unos fuertes colmillos penetraron su pecho, y arrancándole un pedazo de carne. Aterrado vio cómo su amada parecía poseída, con la boca llena de sangre ella le dirigió una sonrisa, le sobresalían unos cuatro colmillos. Óscar daba patadas intentando tumbarla, pero ella le clavo unas largas y fuertes pezuñas que salieron de sus manos. El grito de ayuda era inútil, el dolor hizo que sintiera nauseas. Ivanna elevo sus manos, cubiertas de sangre y como una felina las lamia para alimentarse del espeso líquido.

La dantesca escena hizo reaccionar a Óscar . No se dejaría vencer tan fácilmente. Parecía un toro herido, con toda su fuerza movía sus brazos hasta lograr zafarse de las ataduras, la madera de la cama estaba viaja y pudo partirla. Aserto una patada en el abdomen de Ivanna, quien cayó al piso. El asustado hombre corrió desnudo por toda la casa, intento abrir la puerta, pero habían pasado la llave. Las ventanas tenían un enrejado de metal. Pedía auxilio mientras las lágrimas bajaban por su mejilla. La calle estaba en completo silencio. Solo se veía una leve luz de la vieja vivienda de la señora chismosa de la zona, pero de repente esta se apagó.

-¡Piensa! ¡Piensa!-* Se decía así mismo. Fue hasta la cocina, revisando por todas partes sin encontrar los cuchillos o algo que le sirviera de arma. Vio dos refrigeradores grandes, al abrirlos, no podía creer lo que estaba adentro. Restos humanos, entre esos la cabeza del esposo de Ivanna, conservados por el frio. Óscar se llevó las manos a la cabeza, deseaba que todo fuese una pesadilla y despertar. ¡Un cuchillo! La afilada hoja de metal estaba en la parte de abajo del refrigerador, parecía tener restos de sangre. Lo sostuvo con las dos manos y en ese momento se apagaron todas las luces de la casa.

Óscar daba golpes al aire con el cuchillo en su mano. No podía ver absolutamente nada. Intento calmarse, escuchaba algo, era un runruneo que se hacía cada vez más intenso. Sentía la presencia de ella, quien ágil como una gata se movía por la casa, jugando con su presa. Un Maullido lo hizo darse vuelta e Ivanna se abalanzó sobre él, clavando su garras en su rostro. Podría pasar así toda la noche hasta agotarlo.

Las heridas lo estaban debilitando, su cuerpo ya no resistiría mucho, se sujetó con el borde la cocina y sintió una caja de cerillas. Fue enciendo una a una, lo más rápido que podía, para poder ver , buscando una salida. Hasta que percibo una tenue luz que provenía de una habitación, parecía la iluminación de la pantalla de un portátil, se dirigió hasta esa habitación frenéticamente y de repente sintió caer en un vacío.

Estaba aturdido, recibió varios golpes de una escalera, no se dio cuenta de que había un agujero en la entrada del suelo de esa habitación, cayó en una especie de sótano. Algunas lámparas de velas colgaban alrededor, muebles viejos, cajas, el lugar parecía un basurero. El dolor de su espalda no le dejaba moverse, sus intentos eran en vano. Ella se movía como una felina en celo, acercándose, observándole. Óscar ya no tenía fuerzas para mover los brazos.

-Te Amaba - Dijo sollozando.

-Tranquilo querido, tendrás lo que siempre quisiste. Deseabas ser mío para siempre. Vengan michis, es hora de alimentarse....

Los gatos salían de todas partes, eran incontables, había cientos de ellos, con ojos hambrientos. Era hora de despedirse del amor de su vida, de las pizzas, la visita a Campanópolis... Ivanna lamió la sangre que brotaba de la boca de su enamorado antes de que éste soltara un grito aterrador y cientos de gatos se abalanzaran sobre su cuerpo.

Estimados @liveofdalla y @neruel los invito a crear un relato de horror ambientado en San Valentín para apoyar a las chicas terroríficas de Zona de Escalofrio y su concurso.

Gifs and separators made by me in photoshop

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