Virus Fighting Against Cancer Cells- A New Player

Now according to a post by @vinamra here in @stemsocial, which peaked my interest, VIRUSES, those tiny troublemakers that we somewhat dread so much could be turned into superheroes – delivering medicine and beating up cancer cells at the same time. Yep, you heard me right, it's like giving a virus a superhero cape and telling it to save the day!



Image by Joe from Pixabay


So whats the deal ?


Ok, here's the deal: Viruses have been playing delivery boys for medicine, but what if I tell you there's a new player in town? A virus that's not just delivering medicine, but also has a knack for kicking cancer cells to the curb. Imagine a virus that waltzes into a cancer cell's party, multiplies like there's no tomorrow, and then does a mic drop by breaking the cell's walls and bouncing out. It's like a tiny Terminator on a mission!

Now, I know what you're thinking – viruses are like the bad guys in action movies, right? Well, not these ones. They're like secret agents with a mission to target only the bad guys – in this case, cancer cells. They're so smart, they can even sneak into the tough crowd of tumor cells, which is like getting into the VIP section of a party without an invite. And trust me, that's no easy feat!


Let's go back in time a bit


The fact is, Scientists have been trying to put viruses to work against cancer for a while, but they hit some roadblocks. But hold up, there's a twist in the tale. Enter oncolytic viruses – the new heroes on the block. You know how some viruses hang around in certain cancers, like that one friend who never leaves the party? Well, scientists figured out a way to turn these viruses into warriors that can fight off the cancer cells.

These oncolytic viruses are like undercover agents, targeting cancer cells that have lost their ability to defend against viral attacks. It's like they've got a secret handshake with the cancer cells that opens the door for them. And guess what? They're not just any agents; they're like James Bond – they've been engineered to be super potent and laser-focused on their mission.


The Game Plan


The game plan? The plan is for these viruses to infiltrate the cancer cell, and doing this my friend, they go full-on action hero mode. They copy their own blueprint, multiply like crazy, and then unleash their ultimate weapon: cell-busting mode. Imagine them breaking out of the cancer cell like it's a prison break in a Hollywood movie – talk about a dramatic exit!


Wait there's more!


You see these viruses don't stop at just smashing cancer cells. They're like DJs at a party, getting everyone on the dance floor. In this case, they're revving up the immune system, getting it ready to tackle the bad guys. It's like they're sending out a "fight the invaders" invitation to the immune system's bouncers – the T cells.

But there's a twist within a twist. These T cells, like cool kids at a party, only mingle with the popular crowd – the "hot" tumor cells. And guess who's turning the "cold" ones hot? Yup, our oncolytic viruses! They're like matchmakers for the immune system and the tumor cells, making sure everyone's dancing together.


What the Challenge ?


Even heroes have challenges. Some cancers are like those stubborn friends who refuse to leave the party. They resist the viruses like they're allergic to fun. But scientists don't give up that easily. They're bringing in backup – TGF-β inhibitors. These are like the bouncers that kick out the troublemakers from the party. They can be a bit toxic, though, so they need a "delivery guy" to get them to the party safely. And guess who's the perfect delivery guy? You got it – our trusty oncolytic viruses.


Does the fight end there ?


No!!! it doesnt, these viruses are going all-out on the big bosses of cancer – the aggressive melanomas. They're like the heavyweight champs of the cancer world. But these viruses ain't scared. They're teaming up with anti-PD1, which is like their sidekick with a superhero cape. Together, they're taking down the bad guys and increasing the survival rate of the good guys – the patients.

So, what's the moral of this viral story? Well, these oncolytic viruses are like the Avengers of medicine, teaming up to tackle cancer and get the immune system in on the action. They're like tiny soldiers with big impact, turning the tables on the villains of health. Sure, there's still work to be done, and the cancer re-emergence thing needs a solution. But for now, let's give a round of applause to these virus heroes who've turned science into a blockbuster movie!

Thanks for Reading Sayonara 🖐



Image used was by Joe from Pixabay

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