Stroke-The Cerebrovascular fraudstar!!!

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As a physiotherapist, I have had and seen my fair share of people go from being well-coordinated, well composed, well organise adults to becoming babies. Not just babies, babies!!! that can't tell their left from their right. Sometimes these people are rendered completely and utterly useless like vegetables, makes you wonder, what exactly happened? Its painfully crazy, the whole process and progress in development (milestones) achieved over the years, years which had amounted to decades, has gone completely in the reverse. Its so bad that it can happen in a matter of hours, especially after a good night, morning, afternoon nap or sleep. You still dont understand? Let me give you an idea of how messed up this can be

Imagine..., just imagine losing all your life investment (decades worth of life investment) in a single night because of a single bad business. That how messed up it can be.

Decades worth of muscle memory all down the drain because of a culprit known as Cerebro-Vascular Accident, in short CVA.

CVA is a health criminal, a physiological and biological terrorist, a fraudstar which strips people of their life-long investment in their biological and physiological functions.
It doesn't care who you are, what you are, or where you are from, it just doesn't care. It attacks quickly and quietly.

Let set the record straight,

We are talking about a criminal condition that can makes a fully grown adult drool like a baby, utter words that completely has no meaning, even the ABC and 123 might become a problem, understanding simple words might become so complicated (even words as simple as 2 or 3 letter words), Yeah its that bad, not to talk of how sometimes it can make a perfectly symmetrical and well built face look like someone decided to wear an ugly mask that doesn't fit or the fact that it can make victims feel like a section of their body part is non-existent or make it weak or extremely weak .

CVA has a lot of negative achievement with human beings as the primary victim, but first from a medical and scientific stand point ,what exactly can be said about CVA and really, how does it operate?

The World health Organisation looked in CVA as it was becoming too much of a nuisance and later gave it the medical name stroke, according to them in the 1970,

Stroke (CVA) is rapidly developing clinical signs of focal (or global) disturbance of cerebral function, with symptoms lasting 24 hours or longer, or leading to death, with no apparent cause other than of vascular origin


In case you dont understand the above, dont stress, just read the below

In layman terms what WHO was trying to say simply is Stroke a.k.a CVA is a disease that disrupt and interrupt normal brain function by disrupting or interrupting normal blood supply to the brain. This interrupted or disrupted brain function could cause death (everybody obviously need their brain to stay alive) or give unpleasant feelings that last for just 24 hours or more than 24 hours.

Additionally, it is not called stroke(that is stroke is not the culprit) if there is no interruption or distruption of normal blood supply to the brain, before a resulting interruption or disruption of brain function.

Below is a brief criminal record of stroke

This criminal called stroke, aka CVA

is the second leading cause of death and a major contributor to disability world wide, it affects roughly 13.7 people and kill around 5.5 million people annually


From my perspective it kills, steals and destroy, the perfect devil. OH!!! before I forget most of its victims are above age 55 years (I said most of it victims, not all, so keep reading even if you below 55).

Now we have established the fact that stroke is a health criminal and like all criminals, it has a method of opertion, frankly its has a strategic well organised method of operation.

Now how does the health criminal known as Stroke aka CVA operate?

Focus, this might save you from being a victim of this criminal

Now, Stroke aka CVA is an health criminal with two personalities, both personalities are as bad and as worse as they can be, we have the personality 1 known as stroke the ischemic (more appropiately ischemic stroke) and the personlity 2 known as stroke the haemorrhagic(more appropriately, haemorrhagic stroke) both personalities have their own distinct method operation solely aimed at their victim

Personality 1- Stroke the Ischemic
Stroke the Ischemic(Ischemic stroke) operates by cutting off adequate and sufficient blood and oxygen supply to the brain by basically blocking pipes(vessels) that serve as channels for supply of oxygen and blood

Personality 2- Stroke the haemorragic
This second personality operates by damaging (rupturing) pipes(vessels) that serve as channel for blood and oxygen, the damaged vessel causes blood to flow where they are highly unneeded in volume that are excessively unwanted, resulting to a build up of pressure to levels that are dangerous for the brain thereby distrupting the brain and affecting it normal function

So briefly
So personality 1 attacks victims by cutting off supply and personality 2 by causing excess and unwanted supply. whether it is 1 or 2 the end result is a distruption of normal brain function called Stroke.

Now that we are aware of the two personalities of stroke, what increases the chances of being a victim of either personality?

-Age: We stated earlier that stroke is a lover of older people and not in a good way. Therefore the more the number of years you have spent as a biological organism on this planet, the more the chances of being a victim of stroke, it really and indeed strip people of their lifes investment(in the end, I guess age is not just a number afterall).

  • Sex: Stroke love older people,but it loves women more compared to men, irrespective of age.
    -Hereditory: Stroke has a criminal record of later attacking children and grandchildren of it former victim (sounds like an obsession)

  • Hypertension : having a high blood pressure is basically writing a letter to stroke asking to be attacked, word of advices, monitor your blood pressure and do whatever it take to make sure its normal if its not, and make sure its stays normal, whatever it takes.

  • Diabetes- monitor your blood sugar and make sure it is normal or else you might end up drawing attention to stroke

  • Stroke loves smokers and alcholics, so stop smoking and drinking alcohol except you love to have stroke as a visitor in your humble abode and trust me, it wont end well, besides smoker are liable to die young, so stop.

  • Make sure you moving, be active and stay active, avoid a sedentry lifestyle, dont be a sitting duck.

Dont be a target for stroke, play your part however you can in reducing your chances of being a victim, prevention is better than cure, stay clean and dont draw attention to stroke , you know what it loves, stay away from it, if its cant be stayed away from. make sure to monitor it and keep it in check.

In the off chance that one becomes a victim of stroke(I really really hope not), and lives, all hope isn't lost, if there is life, there is definitely hope. Proper management involving physiotherapy and appropiate medication can help in recovering lost life investment at least to an extent. Management should be done fast and as soon as possible. Think of it this way, the more the delay(a delay in management in this case, the more the criminal get away with all the investment).

Thanks for reading✌️

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