Masturbation: A stress reliever or a destroyer of Men ?


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They call it Orgasm, some call it Climax. Scientists call it Ejaculation.

My opinion:More than 85% of every normal, sexually healthy human has masturbated at least once( emphasis on at least once) in their lifetime, except you live in self-denial or maybe, just maybe you don't fully understand what it means to masturbate or maybe you are just a self-righteous...(clears throat!! ), Take it or leave it.

Why did I say this?
Correct me if am wrong, but according to the world's largest Masturbation survey, something interesting was stated.
Check this out:

Americans underestimate how many men and women masturbate by about 9-10 percent.

Ninety-two percent of American men masturbate but Americans only think 83 percent of men do; and, 76 percent of American women masturbate but Americans only think 66 percent of women do.

Eighty percent of men who have used sex toys say they are useful for improving their masturbation experience but only 53 percent of Americans think sex toys are useful for them

On a global level, the survey found that 78 percent of adults in the world masturbate yet respondents across each country underestimated the number of people who take part in self-pleasure by an average of 11 percent.

Now, look at this!!!

78 percent of adults in the world masturbate, including 96 percent of British men, 93 percent of German men, and 92 percent of American men; 78 percent of British women, 76 percent of German women, and 76 percent of American women.

Okay obviously more Men masturbate than women, now why is that? Is Testosterone to blame?

Here is another

Fifty-seven percent of younger Millennials (18-24 years old) masturbate weekly, more likely than any other age group.

Okay, enough of statistics!!!

What is Masturbation?
Masturbation is actually a solo act, sexual in nature, you cant get pregnant or impregnate someone with this act, obviously!! (just felt the need to mention, someone might really need to know this)

In its most basic form and to put it simply, it means having sex with yourself, yourself with yourself or you and yourself(whatever).

Technically it is using your own body parts or a tool being controlled by your own body part to bring about pleasure for yourself. It is the self-induction of pleasure through self-stimulation

No doubt, there have been some extremely annoying fallacies about masturbation, let's look at some:

Now here is one that sounds almost like a lie being told to a toddler so they won't attempt something;

Fallacy 1
"You will go blind if you masturbate". Seriously, if I go blind for masturbating, what will happen if I actually had sex, I will probably drop dead and go six feet under. Frankly, a better lie can be told.

Fallacy 2
"Masturbation cause hairy palms", for real, I would love to have hairy palms, maybe be I should try masturbating or what do you think? The human palms never ever grow hair, we have no hair follicle there. Geez!!!

Fallacy 3
"Impotence later in life", well this is slightly believable, but saying you will surely go sterile is untrue, a lot of health issues can cause sterility

Fallacy 4
"Men are the only ones that masturbate". Wow, I have no comment here, but as much as I want to defend my gender in this case, I won't, I think I would rather let this do the talking

Fallacy 5
"Masturbation causes acne" masturbation relieves stress most times, stress causes acne in most cases, so I think we now know why this is a fallacy.

Ok let's move on, we've had enough fallacy.

Morals aside, religion aside, let's talk about the scientifically proven benefits of masturbation:

  1. According to scientific and medical research, masturbation reduces the risk of prostrate cancer by simply helping get rid of cancerous substances more frequently, mostly through ejaculation.

  2. Masturbation relieves stress and tension by inducing the release of feel-good hormones such as endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. Basically, if you don't feel guilty after masturbation, you should automatically feel good and better.

  3. Boost immunity through the release of the stress hormone, none other than cortisol.

  4. You might not have guessed this,but masturbation can serve as a kind of exercise for pelvic floor muscle, thereby inhibiting incontinence and building a stronger pelvis

Too much of everything and anything is bad, too much of a good thing is likewise bad, there are no two words to it

So that said, what are the side effect of excessive masturbation:

  1. Tiredness, weakness and physical drain: You might not know this, well thumbs up if you know, but masturbation is accompanied by release of bodily fluid which contains minerals, vitamins and other valuable nutrients. Therefore when a sexually matured Homosapien masturbates excessively, especially the men, there would be a tendency to use up these nutrients faster than the body can cope with causing tiredness, fatigue, even mental drain.

  2. Low back pain- Overuse of the muscles of the back during masturbation will definitely cause a strain of these muscles causing back pain. We are biological creatures, not machines, even machines break down if not properly maintained and cared for. pick one, your back or masturbation, definitely your back.

3.Testicular pain and possible injury to the penis- All I can say here is obviously!!!, too much friction is definitely bad for the skin period.

In conclusion, no matter what do, do it in moderation!!! lest you destroy your own body with your own hands. Stay safe and stay healthy, remember no one can take care of your body like you, so ...

Thanks for your unwavering attention, see you in my next post

World largest masturbation survey
Masturbation side effect, benefit and risk
Role of masturbation in healthy sexual development

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