LBP-A pain that can make a grown man cry!!!

Low Back Pain [LBP]
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OK now let's look at low back pain !!!

To put it simply, Low Back Pain (LBP) is basically a kind of pain you feel in the lower region of the back period (pretty easy!!).

Clinically and of course anatomically, it is the pain usually around your lumbar and sacral region, typically below the costal region and above the inferior gluteal fold

Pain ranges from mild to moderate, to severe. It could present for a short period of time called acute and over a long period of time called chronic.

Pain could be dull especially if it is deep within the bone, sharp, almost like a sharp object piercing your skin. It could be radiating meaning that it might extend beyond your back, through your hip and to your posterior thigh above the knee

There is also the specific and nonspecific LBP. Specific in the sense that it is attributed to a particular pathology(disease or infection) and non-specific in that the so-called LBP can't be traced to a particular pathology

Severe LBP

Severe LBP (Low back Pain) is one of those musculoskeletal conditions that can make a grown man and woman cry or squeeze their face in agony, sending them back to their early days of developmental milestones. Everything about being a man and of course a fully grown mature woman goes outside the window especially when there is severe and excruciating pain in the lower back.

Let's bring young couples (the newlyweds) into the pictures

Severe Low Back Pain is one of those musculoskeletal conditions that young couples battle against, it is a terror, because everybody, especially young couples want to enjoy the process of reproduction to the fullest and maximally and literally speaking, this act cant be enjoyed maximally if the lower back won't just responds maximally and efficiently. Therefore any terrorist which in this case is LBP that stand as a barrier must have succumbed. The battle must be won and the war equally at all cost.

Some statistical data on LBP

60-80% of people, through their lifetime, are affected by low back pain, this technically means that everybody at least once have experienced LBP

The annual rate of adolescents (age 10- 19y) who suffer from low back pain ranges from 11.8% - 33%

LBP in The adult population have a prevalence as high as 84%

Causes of LBP

Strain and sprain
Strain is an injury to a muscle, while a sprain is an injury to a ligament. In other words, LBP can be caused by an injury or tear to the muscles or ligaments that support and stabilize the lower back. This can be caused by repeated microtrauma to the ligaments or muscles of the lower back or a single trauma strong enough to deal significant damage.

Severe macro trauma which could be caused by a fall or an accident like a car crash can cause breakage of the bones of the back causing excruciating pain and instability to the back. Conditions like osteomalacia, osteoporosis, spondylolysis increase the chances of fracture to the spine.

Disk problem: This can come in form of disk degeneration, disk bulge, disk herniation, disk tear or inflammation(discitis) leading to pain, stiffness and radicular pain. Radicular pains are pains that radiate to the lower limb or below the lower back

Other conditions
Other conditions like spondylitis, spinal arthritis(degeneration of spinal structures), spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal column), ulcer, kidney stones, soon spondylolisthesis( a displacement of the vertebral disc either backwards called retro-listhesis or forwards called Antero-listhesis), graded from 1-4 with 4 being the worst possible kind of disc displacement, usually needing surgery for correction or else paralysis below the site of displacement could occur.

This gives a view of the structures of the back usually in white and black and shades of grey when compared to MRI and CT scan, it give the least detail.

CT scan
Similar to X-ray but more detailed

MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) your physician might recommend this if he needs a very detailed examination by imaging of your back and CT and X-ray just wouldn't do.

Blood test
This is capable of detecting infection-causing microorganisms, genetic or inflammatory markers in the blood which could be a cause of specific LBP

Urine test
Kidney stones formed through crystallization of uric acid, calcium and oxalate can cause low back pain, these can be detected in urine through a urine test

This basically checks for nerve damage which might present as paresthesia or hyperresthesia

Treatment of LBP
Rest-Taking a break from repetitive activities can do wonders for your back, adequate rest helps speed up the healing process, your back included, No matter how busy life can make you be, find some time to rest. Your body will not only thank you, but your brain also.

Thermotherapy- involves the use of heat and cold modalities like ice packs and infrared, They work on the principle of increasing blood flow to your back, thereby washing away toxins and impurities that might cause pain.

Exercise therapy- Exercises and activities that help to relieve low back pain are usually recommended by the physiotherapist but care must be taken that exercises are done correctly with the appropriate technique, number of reps(repetition) and sets must be strictly adhered to, to avoid secondary musculoskeletal conditions

Medications like - NSAIDs, Corticosteroids, Steroids, cyclooxygenase inhibitors and narcotics

Worst case scenario when all conservative management has failed then surgery might be needed

Thanks for reading and please prevention is better than cure.Take care of your back before it takes care of you!!!

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