How exactly do you lose weight? No Bullshit!!!

How exactly do you lose weight?

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Let’s dive in!!!

Now, over the years, I have had a lot of people, which quite frankly have lost count of, ask me the same question over and over again. These questions are one and the same, the same question asked multiple times in a completely different way, kinda frustrating, sincerely. “How can I lose weight fast?”, “How can I lose weight without dieting?”, “How can I lose weight without exercise?”, “How can I slim down completely in a week?”(This sound more like someone asking how they can conveniently drop dead in a week), “How can I have a sexy body?” (Wow!!! The providence of youth). It is either they are asking me or they are asking someone else, which sometimes can be overwhelming, desperate times call for desperate measures, I completely understand. So let’s break it down in simple terms.

First thing first, you have to understand that your body, my body, our body is a machine, more precisely, it is a biological machine. And like all machines, it runs on fuel(fuel here is an expression meaning food or fat). A lack or an absence of fuel makes it unable to perform adequately. When supplied with excess fuel, it stores it, like a fuel reserve, now isn’t that generous and thoughtful of our body system? Of course, it is, talk about survival. Just like they say too much of everything is bad, too much I would say, excess of fuel, in this case, is bad. On a neutral ground, there is nothing wrong with your body storing fuel for a rainy day, it only trying to help. The only problem is that the rainy day never comes and then again, some people's body store this fuel at a different rate than others which is highly unnecessary, but the body doesn’t know this, it's only doing what it is being programmed to do. Now the situation is becoming dire, how can the body be stopped from storing fuel which we definitely don’t want? The truth, we can’t, all you can do, we can do, is help the body get rid of the unwanted fuel or supply it with lesser fuel so it can make use of the unwanted reserve. This consequentially make it have lesser and lesser fuel to store and also forces it to make use of the available reserve causing a depletion in reserve which is equivalent to weight loss (read this statement again, am 50% sure you didn’t clearly get this if you did at first glance then good for you)

Moving forward, three things are clear

  1. You gain weight because your body stores fuel which technically is the food you eat. The fuel stored in excess shows as flabby, lumpous and sometimes gross and unpleasant looking mass under your skin

  2. Different people gain weight at different rates majorly because the rate of fuel storage differs from individual to individual. It is called metabolism. A Low metabolism is equivalent to a high rate of fuel storage and vice-versa.

  3. The fuel stored is technically your body trying to save for a rainy day, famine, long term starvation, extreme food shortage, those sort of things, but unfortunately it is highly unnecessary. Things would have been better if only there was a way to meet your body one on one and tell him “Yo!!! , I really appreciate what you doing for me man, but I would appreciate it more if instead of storing those fuels, you find a way to use them up or not store them at all and let it just go to waste, capiche, thanks man, you the best”. But sadly nothing like that will ever happen, not in a million years.

With 3 things made clear, 2 questions are left unanswered

  1. Since the body will keep storing fuel which causes a gain in weight, how do I stop this or more appropriately how do I deprive it of fuel to store? Question number 1

  2. How can already established fuel reserves be gotten rid of? Question number 2

Question 1, how do I stop it from storing fuel (gaining weight) or deprive it of fuel to store?

Answer: The answer is mathematics, simple math, your 123, addition and subtraction. When I say simple math, I mean count your calories, and don’t just count them, count them accurately, there is a difference between counting your calories and counting them accurately. The accuracy of your counting makes all the difference in your weight loss journey. Count your calories and make sure the amount of calories you take in is lesser, please not far lesser (don’t want anybody going dizzy) than required by your body, sit down, do the math, count your calorie like you would count your money to see if there are any discrepancies (this should be a piece of cake if you really want to lose weight, emphasis on “really” ), if possible hire someone, get a friend, a family member, an accountability partner to do the counting for you if you feel you are poor at number, whatever it takes right?. Count your calories accurately and correctly and then you have just taken the first step in setting yourself up for success in your weight loss journey. Do this and thank me later after of course, you lose weight.

Ok!!!! Someone is asking how do I count my calories? Wish I can go deep into it, but that will just be too lengthy for this post and the last thing I want is someone feeling sleepy while reading my post, human beings naturally have a short attention span, hope you understand? If you really want to learn calorie counting for losing weight, this should help, Calorie counting 101 or meet a nutritionist or dietician

Question 2: How do I get rid of the stubborn and already established excess fuel reserve?

Answer: Simple answer, EXERCISES, when I say exercises, I mean more of aerobic exercises. We want to lose weight, building muscles is just an added bonus. Aerobic exercises help you lose weight faster, anaerobic helps you build muscle but to an extent can also help you lose weight, but not as effective as aerobics, so to lose weight generally, do more of aerobic exercises but don’t cut anaerobic out completely, it could help with abdominal fat and fat around the hips.

“Is there no way I can lose weight without exercise?“ My dear if you really want to live long and enjoy your weight loss journey, live a healthy life, lose weight and keep those weight off effectively, you have got to exercise. Exercises as simple as brisk walking helps, and besides exercises goes beyond just helping you lose weight, you also want to look great, not skinny and shapeless. Yeah yeah !!! I know it can be kinda hard and stressful, but frankly, we live in a world of give and take, there are always sacrifices to be made, and prices to be paid, even to listen attentively, you have got to pay attention. If you want something which in this case is to lose weight, pay the price by going aerobic on that excess and gross body fat

So I have given you two straight answers for weight loss(Count your calories and Exercise) and I’m telling you they will work if you put in the work. Do this two wholeheartedly and on the other side is greatness (let me stop here before I go all motivational)

Additional info: There is always a shortcut for everything, but Hey!!!, shortcuts especially when it comes to weight loss will in most cases cut you short, it might work but rarely lasts, take the long cut or more appropriately the healthy cut, count your calories and exercise and watch yourself live a long fulfilling life, where you look even better naked, trust the process, even if it is slow and steady, Sayonara✌️
Thank for paying attention.

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