What Science Knows About The Type of Physique Women Like

Source: Canva and Deep AI

Ever since I started taking my fitness seriously, I can't lie...to say I have been a guy magnet is an understatement. You walk into the gym and you don't have many women pinning over you, it's more so guys who want to know how they can level up.1

They want to build arms, they want to build their chest, they want bigger legs etc...It almost feels like They want to buy chicken...I'm the chicken seller they want to buy from.2

Some guys even get physical and touchy. Between me and a girl I've only had that happen a few times...but those few times were telling. The women who did it to me harassed me in all the ways they complained about on social media.

A lady I've met twice in my life pulled me close and said "My doctor is a p#rnstar" as she tried to feel my abs. One girl licked a finger full of my sweat after picking it up from my arm. eww!!

So while it is common to find men more expressive...I think women either don't keep it as a top priority to them or they are repressing it. The repressers are the ones you should be afraid of...or pay more attention to depending on how they come at you.

If an alien landed on Earth it wouldn't take too long for it to figure out what men wanted in terms of female physique. By the end of 24 hours, they would have already come up with words like "Hour-Glass" or "Tiny waist". But by day 365 after taking surveys on what women like they would be lost and be back to space as failures.

I'm just joking anyway but it serves them right for trying to figure out humanity or should I say "womanity".

This is not a guide telling you who to love. I'm just saying they did a few studies and this is what they found. This is not also a guide telling you who to be this is a blog post about some studies.

That said I hope no one feels pressured by this post. Its intent is for reassurance but I know reassurance can feel like pressure so it's more important that you know what you want from yourself and a partner and not use a fitness blog post as your yardstick.




From our faces, and body features down to our hormones there are traces that we leave behind that everybody can look at and simply accept as attractive. On an average men tend to place higher preferences for physical attributes when compared to women. 3

For men, like I've already said just look like a Barbie doll...that's fine. Have that feminine build and that's about it. Both sexes seem to like a slim waist for some reason...that's why there is this whole drive for women to flock to the gym in search of "losing belly fat". If abdominal girth is a pointer to good health as it relates to hypertension and diabetes then maybe we're just visually selecting those we think would be healthy.4

Both sexes also like wide shoulders, at least for men the hourglass would be incomplete without it. For women, I think it's a good indicator of upper body strength for the man they want. 5

Men and Women who are physically attractive are covered by a phenomenon known as the halo effect. It gives them higher chances of employment, social opportunities, friendships, sexual behaviour, and marriage.5 I want to believe that I have worked for every opportunity that has come my way but if the halo effect worked for me I'm attributing it to God's grace...that's that for my personal beliefs.

What Science Geeks Think Women Want


Deep AI

There was this video where Jordan Peterson was describing what women want. He said that there are 5 Archetypes for the specific kind of man that women are typically attracted to. He said that they are either Pirates, Werewolves, Vampires, Neurosurgeons or billionaires6...Thank God I couldn't find the research the Google engineers did anywhere on the internet because getting bit on the high seas with a Gray's Anatomy textbook and Bugatti would have been too hard for some of us.

According to Royal Society B, they found that most women like stronger masculine bodies when compared to weaker-looking feminine male bodies. This study involved 160 women and it found that the more athletic-looking the man the more attractive he was ranked to be. 7

This could have been an easy post to get right down to and finish but why rush it?

There is a message I am driving at also, so pay close attention and don't switch to the next post or swipe up because we are getting to the fun part because one of the key features that influence how fit and muscular a person is the persons (muscles? No) Body fat percentage.

This is because even if you are packing a lot of muscle and you have a lot of fat over that, you still look very fat. Check out Eddie Hall who is thought to hold the Record for the heaviest deadlift at 500kg8. When he broke that record he looked like a polar bear brov. But still, at that point, I don't anyone could argue the fact that he had muscle underneath all that fat.

Body Fat



The study done by the Royal Society B found that women typically like a guy whose body fat percentage is somewhere around 8 to 20% which is the ideal range for a healthy man7...Big Shocker! (I know). The average body fat for men however is somewhere around 18 to 24% only about 15%-17% of men reaching the category of "fitness" and about 6 to 13% being considered in the athletic range.

Take This Message Home to Your High-School Sweetheart will ya?


Old zoomed in picture of myself

Men and women have things we find attractive in each other but most times it's beyond the physical but most times too, it starts with the physical. We are attracted to what we see first because light travels faster than sound. So we often get this thing where we see someone as attractive and then we hear them speak and all that attraction goes out of the window.

For men (and we will have another video about this) it's thought to be easier to know what we like physically...at least even if you just focus on the cultural trends you might begin to have a clue of what we like. But for women, it's not that easy.

What the science nerds have put together has been very profound anyway and we now know that if you just stay within a healthy range of body fat percentage you'll probably be physically attractive to women and young boys don't have to worry about being a Vampire, Pirate, Warewolf, Neurosurgeon and Billionaire.

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  1. David Tian PHD
  2. Glamour
  3. NCBI
  4. News 24
  5. Wikipedia
  6. YouTube Jordan Peterson
  7. Washington Post
  8. Wiki Eddie Hall
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