The Health Risk Associated With Immediate Strenuous Exercise.

Exercising as we know or must have read is highly important and one that we shouldn't ignore it's practice, but as we know things could be too much sometimes, as good as it sounds can also become too much at some point. Exercise has a lot of positive impacts on the body, it diverts the blood coming from the liver and digestive system into the skeletal muscle.

Hormones in the body instruct the body on how to convert fat into glucose, limit pain, and improve your mood. The muscles generate lactic acid as a by-product of intensive care, as this builds up, the PH of the blood around the muscle drops significantly when this drop in PH Happens, the muscle is prevented from further contraction, and at this point, there is a requirement for rest, permitting the lactic acid to get metabolized.


Those who engage in strenuous activities are usually able to achieve the same reward of moderate exercising within a much shorter time. but when it isn't carried out effectively, it could lead to dangerous effects.

Exercising is generally divided into three groups; Low, moderate, and strenuous form. To describe exercising as being strenuous, means you have worked at 70-85 percent of your maximum heart rate, it is easier to sustain a moderate form of exercise for a longer period because you are working out below 70 percent of your maximum heart rate.

How do you even know if you are exercising intensely or not, not a lot of people can tell if they are exercising intensely or not? There are three ways to measure the intensity of your exercise routine;

  • The first is through heart rate, measurement of the heart rate is one of the most reliable ways of figuring out how intense your exercising is. Exercising at 75-80 percent of maximum heart rate of maximum heart rate belongs to the category of vigorous exercise.

Talk test is another way to measure the intensity of exercise, if you find it difficult to speak, you may be exercising at a strenuous pace. Exercising at a moderate pace would have you speaking fairly and if you can sing out loud while exercising could mean your pace is probably too slow.

The rate of perceived exertion scale is a measure used for the measurement of exercise intensity. While using the scale, attention needs to be paid to breathing, heart rate, and muscle fatigue. To consider an activity as being strenuous, the result on the scale should be above 6 to 7.


Engaging in a strenuous activity may not be a bad idea for everyone, but most activities that you currently carry out on a moderate level could be intensified to a higher level. To be sure that you are capable of safely intensifying your exercise level, it is very necessary to run a check with your doctor. Your health may be strong or not strong enough to intensify your exercise level and it is only a proper check by a medical professional that will guarantee your health status.

Slowly increase the intensity of your workout, you may be tempted to jump from a low to a high level instantly, but that action may adversely affect your health as pushing yourself too fast may lead to burnout and injuries. Try to give your body space from time to time, do not push too hard.

Remember also that your body will need time to recover from the intense workout carried out, remember to always include a cool-down session after every physical activity. Staying hydrated is more important especially when you are doing a difficult exercise, when you are not taking in sufficient fluid, the quality of your workout could be affected, making you feel dizzy, headaches, tired, and lethargic.

To avoid over-exercising, learn to listen to your body when it speaks to you demanding more rest, these are ways to ensure you are not doing too much; ensure that the level of calories consumed is equivalent to your level of exercise, limit the level of workout done before a competition, avoid extreme heat or cold, reduce the level of workout whenever you feel sick or ill, take a full day off very week.

When you push yourself too hard, it could backfire sometimes, resulting in cases of; weight loss, anxiety, mood swings, loss of motivation, feeling sore, getting tired or depressed, unable to perform at the same level, and inability to sleep.


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