IUI: Another Alternative to Natural Pregnancy.

In my last post, I wrote about IVF as an alternative method of pregnancy, actually, there are other methods of getting pregnant asides from the natural method of pregnancy, but there are other ways to get pregnant asides from the natural method, in today's post, I will be exploring another alternative form of getting pregnant different from IVF. To explain the reason why people go for an alternative form of pregnancy will certainly be a waste of time since I have that in my previous article, you can read Here

The process of IUI.

The process of IUI is a type of fertility treatment, the treatment involves the process of the sperm being placed directly into a woman's uterus. During the process of natural conception, sperm gets into the body, travels from the vagina moves through the cervix straight into the uterus, and up into the fallopian tubes. Sperm are washed, concentrated, and placed directly into the uterus, this makes the sperm really close to the egg. The process of IUI can increase the possibility of pregnancy in some couples who have been finding it difficult to get pregnant.

Compared to IVF, IUI is less expensive. Some couples go through IUI before proceeding to IVF while some couples simply go through just IUI alone. The condition that makes couples settle for IUI are;

Unexplained Infertility: This term is explained for cases when the clinical cause of infertility has not been identified. It is one of the greatest causes of infertility and up to 15-30% of couples who are experiencing infertility are diagnosed of experiencing unexplained fertility. Although, there are speculated reasons why people may experience unexplained fertility;

  • Poor quality of the egg.
  • Low quality of sperm.
  • Problem with ovulation.
  • Poor timing with ovulation.
  • Inconsistent sexual intercourse.
  • Unhealthy pelvic condition.

Since there is no specific reason for unexplained fertility, different types of treatments are advised, such as;

  • Intrauterine insermination (IUI).
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Changes in lifestyle.
  • Clomid.
  • Timing sexual intercourse.
  • Injectable gonadotropin.

Mild endometriosis: When there is a problem with the tissue laying close to the tissue lining the inside of the uterus, the endometrium grows outside the uterus. Normally endometrial tissue would thicken, break down and bleed with every menstrual cycle but with the presence of endometriosis, the endometrial-like tissue plays the role of the actual endometrial tissue.

Endometriosis can create pain that could either be mild or really severe, especially during the menstrual cycle, fertility issues also come up during the entire process but there are treatments for this condition. Although, endometriosis can be confused for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Common symptoms of endometriosis are;

  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Painful period (dysmenorrhea).
  • Infertility.
  • Excessive bleeding.
  • Painful urination.

Thankfully, there are treatments for this condition, the treatments are;

  • Hormone therapy.
  • Pain medication.
  • Fertility treatment like IUI.
  • Conservative surgery.
    Without going through medical complications, there are certain lifestyle and home remedies that can help relieve discomfort;
  • Take warm baths.
  • Use a heating pad to relax pelvic muscles and relieve cramps and pain.
  • Join a group of women who have similar conditions.
  • Over-the-counter medications like painkillers will help relieve menstrual pain.

Low sperm count: It takes only one sperm to fertilize an egg but the process of getting one sperm to fertilize the egg is a long one. The more sperm produced, the greater the chances of getting a quality one that will fertilize the egg. Lower sperm count is a serious cause of male infertility and it is often caused by some of these environmental factors; medical, environmental, and lifestyle.

Cervical mucus problem: Cervical mucus goes through this process normally, it gets secreted in the cervix, usually, the mucus is often thick and impenetrable to sperm until there is a release of an egg. Then, before ovulation occurs, the mucus becomes elastic and clear because there is an increase in the level of hormonal estrogen. As a result of the newly formed elastic nature, it becomes possible for the sperm to move through the mucus and move into the uterus and then to the fallopian tube where fertilization eventually occurs. However, when cervical mucus has a problem, it will rather act in the following way;

  • It will not change at ovulation and this may be as a result of an infection, making it difficult for pregnancy to occur.

  • The mucus will contain antibodies to sperm, these antibodies destroy the sperm before it gets to the egg, although it is a very rare problem.

  • It allows bacteria to get into the vagina, especially those type of bacteria that causes infection in the cervix to get into the uterus, therefore on several occasions destroying the sperm.

Erection/ejaculation problem: The period of ejaculation varies between individuals when there is a problem with ejaculation which could either be; premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, or retrograde ejaculation.

  • Couples who do not want to pass down a genetic defect to their children.

  • A single woman who wants to conceive.

  • Couple of the same gender.

The possibility of IUI not working.

While IUI is reliable and has been a saving grace for so many people, it doesn't work for everyone, it doesn't work for women who;

  • Have serious disease with their fallopian tube.

  • Women with multiple pelvic infections.

  • Women who have had their both fallopian tubes removed or blocked.

  • Men who are unable to produce sperm (if the couple decides to proceed with the procedure, donor sperm will be needed).

  • Women who have severe or even moderate problems of endometriosis.

Since IUI will not work in any of the instances listed above, IVF is usually advised as the net best treatment, although it is advised that medical advice is sorted first before going on with the procedure. IUI process can also be combined with ovarian stimulation as well because, with the release of more than one egg, there is a more likely chance for pregnancy to occur.

The process of IUI is actually pain-free, it sometimes doesn't require medications too (non-invasive procedure), but this is highly dependent on your doctor, the process is coordinated according to the way the process aligns with the woman's natural cycle.

  • Most medications taken during the IUI process, usually begin while the woman is on her menstrual cycle.

  • After one week of taking medication, the doctor may ask you to come for another ultrasound and bloodwork.

  • Depending on the test result given, the doctor will be able to determine when you are ovulating.

  • The male partner involved will then provide a semen sample on the day of the procedure or will have the donor sperm thawed.

  • The sperm will thereafter be taken to a lab where it will wash in order to get rid of seminal fluid and debris, this makes the sperm extremely concentrated and has a really low chance of irritating the uterus.

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