Autoimmune Diseases and how to cope with them


Autoimmune Diseases has to do with those disease that occurs when the immune system attacks the cells and the tissue of the body, immune system is made to protect the body from infection and disease so when the opposite happens there is a serious problem.


There are different types of autoimmune Diseases, lets take them one after the other.

The Rheumatoid arthritis
This autoimmune Disease affects the joint, it causes inflammation of the joint that are always very painful and most times it damages the joint, the person affected might find it difficult to do some activities with the affected part of the body.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS
This affects the central nervous system causing damages ti the brain 🧠 and the fellow affected might not be able to do things by himself.
Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
This is another dangerous autoimmune Disease that affects the kidney, the joint and the heart, when this occur is always not easy to handle and sometimes the patient dies.

Celiac Disease
This disease targets the intestines both the small and the big one making it difficult for food to easily digest.

This is the inflammation of the thyroid and sometimes this illness is never easy to handle.
We have the type 1 diabetes, the inflammatory bowel disease and the psoriasis,all this are autoimmune Diseases that can kill if not managed well.

Causes of autoimmune Disease.

Major cause if this disease is that lack of care, its very important that we check the drugs we take because some medications can cause those diseases and it very important to speak to our health care agent to know the right drugs we should take.
Autoimmune Diseases can also be genetic, it can be hereditary from the family, smoking and exposing oneself to toxins can also cause such diseases, accumulated infection, obesity can also lead to autoimmune Diseases.

It is very important to note signs of autoimmune Diseases which includes, joint pain, stiffness and swallowing legs, muscle weakness and also whole body weakness that might sometimes be difficult to handle.

When the disease affects the digestive tract it also causes bloating , abdominal pain, feeling nausea and not liking to have food, the person might likely start to constipate .

When the disease affecta the skin the patient will experience things like rashes, dry skin, mouth might be dry, some part of the body might be inflamed, it can also affect the eyes.

When this autoimmune Diseases affects the nervous system it can lead to Dizziness, Headaches, Anxiety and depression, Confusion and difficulty thinking, Blurry vision, Insomnia, Memory lost, lots ofMigraines, the person might start experiencing Lightheadedness, Numbness and tingling.

The most painful part of this is the fact that some of those disease might last for lifetime, they can only be managed but not cured, and to get a proper diagnosis the person should visit a proper medical doctor who will run some medical checkups to detect what went wrong in the system and how to manage it.

Anyone who has an autoimmune Diseases must learn to live with it, accept reality and always follow the instruction given by your medical DOCTOR.


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