Gudeg by Mr.Bima


I have posted about this kind of food on this post :
Gudeg 14 days ago. But, now I share about different of that food. I want share about Dry Of Gudeg.


Gudeg is a part of traditional food or dishes from Yogyakarta City. As a local wisdom, this food not only can get in that city. But now we can enjoy the delicious gudeg in all place around Indonesia.


Dry Gudeg of Mr. Bima. Packaging white unique wrapped called
Besek that also posted by @mamigo , a special handycraft from bamboo.
for detail about this product we vmcan visit IG : gudegbesekpakbima

This food can find at Jl.Supriyadi - Purwokerto Wetan, Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia

By the way I use #MarketFriday tag that initiated by @dswigle

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