Bangalore art market & Madiwala lake

Hello, dear Hive readers,

Madiwala lake and Bangalore art market (day 3)

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Today was another day of exploring Bangalore and it's interesting areas. Kushal and I went on a walk to Madiwala lake, which is located on the east side of the city. The lake has an island, and we could see people on boats, taking a walk and observing the inhabitants, as there are many fascinating birds in this area. On the walk, we came across the topic of water problematics in Bangalore.

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I found out they have a huge problem with storing the drinking water and supplying the city. In case you didn't know, Bangalore is the second-fastest growing city of India with more than 13 million people! The consequence of that is enormous water consumption. The city is in the tropic belt, meaning very hot weather, and next to the city there's already a start of a very dry area.

In the evening, together with George and Kushal, we were on the hunt for some art paintings. To be more specific, I liked so much one painting of chakra of Ganesh, that I wanted to have it as well. My friend Anil told me he got it on the streets of Bangalore. So then, we give it a shoot. We saw a lot of modern art pieces, but none was close to the one I was searching for.

From my friend Anil. I found it at his home.

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The painting was unique, made with hand with a specific technique. In my opinion, I think it's getting very rare to find this kind of art. Modern, industrial paintings are sadly taking over the authentic art of making chakras.

Since making movies and capturing moments is a big passion of mine, sharing them with a wider population which appreciate them, means even more to me. If you would like to support me, join me on my journeys and subscribe to my YT channel.

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