What can you do in a candy store

Hello everyone!!! Today is Friday, which means we will talk about our purchases on #MarketFriday by @dswigle (see details here: @dswigle/seasons-end-market-friday).
What are you doing at the candy store? Strange question, right? 😄 Why go into this store if you don't intend to buy goodies? But we went there because of the heat! 😁

So our country has entered after the neighboring countries in a period of extreme heat. The temperature rises above +40 degrees Celsius in the shade. 😵 We have an orange level of warning, which means that you should be less outdoors and it is advisable to close the triss at home and turn on the air conditioners.
Usually we try not to go anywhere during such periods, but this afternoon we had to go to an important event. Bus stop very close to our house. In order not to wait for the bus under the sun, we decided to go to a candy store near the stop where the air conditioner worked. 😃
I haven't been here for a long time so I was curious about what sweets they have now.

To be honest, I rarely eat anything like this. But I love these candies from Ferrero.

And I love these too. I thought that I would definitely buy a box of Rafaelo chocolates in the near future.

I love how these candy boxes look - it's beautiful. But I don't know if these sweets are tasty. It happens that the boxes look amazing and the sweets are generally inedible. 😏

These candies are locally produced.

They are quite edible. But these that you see in the photo below, I do not like at all.

Opposite these stands were stands with children's temptations. They are located low so that children can easily take them. I really feel for their parents. 🤣

I managed to look at only a third of all the goods there, when my husband said that the bus would arrive very soon (he saw the time of the bus arrival on the application on his phone) and that it was time for us to leave the store.

Passing to the entrance, I managed to take the last shot inside the store. On the street, after the air-conditioned store, there was an impression that the heat had intensified even more. Not for nothing, I'll tell you, at the entrance to the store there are these large freezers. 😁

There's a lot of ice cream there! The most different for every taste.

Of course we didn't buy it then, but bought ice cream on the way back from another shop. This one was already closed (all shops close early on Friday). At that bus stop shop, we could buy 2 boxes of $9.

We bought one box for $5 in another store.
It was a good idea to go to the candy store while hiding from the strong sun and enjoying the view of a wide variety of sweets. 😃
(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!!

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