Market Friday - Treats!

If you have a weakness for sugar, just turn away right now. I mean it. This post is going to be as bad for you as a box of donuts.

Why do you suppose we have such a fixation on sweets? And why can’t someone figure out how to make treats that are actually heath enhancing?

So, this collection of goodies appeared at my local Walmart. I was having people over for dessert, and I wanted to find something nice but not too decadent, since we can all stand to lose a few Covid pounds, quite frankly.




How was I going to decide with this daunting array of choices?




Cookies, bars, cakes, cupcakes, pies and tarts! How does one decide?

That reminds me of a funny story. One time my sister and I are hosting a family get together, and we decided to do a “spread” of desserts.

We wanted everyone to enjoy the splendor of a wide selection of options. So we began baking up a storm!

As I recall, we made a few pies, a few layer cakes, and several trays of cookies. And then, in a fit of self-satisfied euphoria, we spread them all out on a table, with lovely plates, forks and napkins.

The whole thing was supposed to make our visitors’ eyes light up with delight! But when we were all done setting up, we both had the same thought at the same time. I’m not kidding. We looked at one another with horror and thought simultaneously: this is insane! It’s enough pastries to serve an entire restaurant, and we have six people coming over! They are all going to end up in a diabetic coma! What have we done?

And just as we had that collective thought, the doorbell rang and the people arrived. There was nothing to be done but to laugh nervously and present our smorgasbord of desserts.

It was as we feared, in our moment of regret. They were all somewhat mortified that we had gone to all the trouble and made all this stuff! Who would eat all of it?

What can I say? We were young and stupid. It does make a great story now.

I don’t think of that story often, but when I do it’s usually because I’m faced with a scene like this, where there is a ridiculous selection of way too many options.




After all of that pondering, I ended up selecting something fairly simple: a small mixed berry pie. After all, it must have some health properties, correct?


Thank you so much for visiting! And a huge thank you to the Queen of Market Friday, @dswigle! She is a wonderful and kind-hearted community builder. If you haven’t yet done so, be sure to check out her blog, the Market Friday community and the #marketfriday tag!


Photo credits: All of the photos in this post were taken by me with my iphone and belong to me, unless otherwise noted.

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