Market Friday - Shopping for Electric Bikes for the Husband and Wife at Decathlon France

Hi, #MarketFriday community! For today's blog, I will talk about electric bikes. A few weeks ago, we got the chance to go back to Decathlon because they were on sale.

This is the continuation of our trip to Decathlon about:

Market Friday - In Search for an Electric Bike at Decathlon

I took photos for the Market Friday post but I never got the chance to take a lot. Will tell a story later.


The moment we got inside Decathlon is when we took a look at the SUP or Stand-Up Paddle Board. Different sizes, different prizes.


My husband said he got lucky when he bought our SUP at E.Leclerc for a cheaper price because of the money back. He only paid about 90 Euros. I never got the chance to take photos during the shopping because the kids and I were at the park. It was a surprise when he bought the SUP.


My husband needed to buy another dive suit or combination. I was looking for something else.

Elise was nowhere to be found

While I was choosing something for myself, Elise was missing. She was running around so the husband and I had to look for her. Alexandre stayed with me. Elise was being naughty. So, we had to call her name.

Then, a French guy approached me telling me in French that he saw a little girl near the basketball area.

My husband ran to the parking area just to check if she went outside.

And I found her in the basketball area. She just wanted a ball. I never got the chance to take photos because I was in a panic and my husband scolded Elise.

Elise wanted to stay with her papa so I continued shopping for what I needed.

Children on the loose

My husband called my attention to go to the bike area. And this was what I've seen. Elise wanted to drive the bike by herself but Alexandre wanted to be with her.

And they biked together. Hahaha! Children on the loose.

The other shoppers were smiling to see my kids driving around. Hahaha!

We were on our way to go outside to test out another bike.

Test drive with the Neomouv Red bike

Source: here

I wasn't able to take photos of the actual bike and the actual test ride. It was a good ride. This bike is expensive at 1599 Euros but my husband's budget is only 999 Euro. It has a disc brake on the front wheel which the gray bike doesn't have.

My husband ordered the Neomouv gray bike for 999 Euros. I will talk more about this in the Cycling community. Oh wow!

The original plan is to buy one bike for me as we had some old bikes in the garage. When he checked our garage, the bikes we had our beyond unrepairable. So, he decided to purchase a bike for him.

My husband wanted the same brand of bike but the male version. When he checked online, everything is sold out for the same brand and price.

Source: here

My husband found another bike, a different brand but at the same price. He got a VTT e-bike.

The Wife's Bike - Neomouv Velo Ville Electrique



The Husband's Bike - Rockrider Velo VTT Electric



Since the two bikes have different systems, the chairs for the kids have different ways of installation.

Thank you for reading my #MarketFriday post created by @dswigle. Check out this community.

Roxanne Tamayo -

Welcome to iTravelRox! Roxanne Tamayo is a Cebuana who is a traveler. Now a mom of 2 kids and a wife. She is a travel blogger and a digital nomad. As a Virtual Assistant, she does a lot of things like content writing, WordPress web design, WP updates and maintenance, graphic design, and photo editing. She is into wedding photography, as well.

If you like iTravelRox's content, please don't forget to upvote and leave a comment. She will share a lot of stories about solo travels, motherhood, family travel, and working as a VA.

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