Market Friday - In Search for an Electric Bike at Decathlon

Hi everybody! This is my first time posting in the #MarketFriday community. Please give me a warm welcome. Hehe! Thanks to @dswigle for this community.

The family and I have been to Decathlon many times. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take photos inside Decathlon. A few days ago, I got the chance to take pictures inside. Well, today's topic is all about an electric bike.

I used to have a city bike in Cebu, Philippines. I learned to ride a bike when I was 6 years old. I experienced riding a Solex in Cambodia. Well, that's for another story.

Anyway, my husband and I are in search of an electric bike. I told him I preferred the cheaper bike that would only cost at least 100 Euros because an e-bike is more expensive. But, my son will go to school in September as I need to bring him to school and back home with a bike.


Alexandre is doing his little shopping. Hahaha!

I thought it was easy to choose an electric bike but it was not. The e-bikes you see in the photos are too big for my size. I am 4 ft and 11 inches in height. Hahaha! Well, the people here are bigger than me and taller so the designs are for European people.


The design is nice but this is not for me.

I did some test rides inside the shop but I got scared because the e-bikes are heavy.


I love this design. It reminds me of my pink city bike in Cebu. I prefer this one because I won't have difficulty getting down from the seat and getting to the seat.

I was able to do a test ride on this one. The bike is too big for me. We are looking for a small size on this one.


The kiddie chair

When I was in Japan, I saw women biking around with their toddlers on the back with a seat. Since I have two kids, I need a trailer. Too bad, I wasn't able to take photos of the trailer. Maybe next time.


The normal bikes

I would prefer this one, especially the city bikes with a basket on the front. I just want to be looking cute while biking around the countryside. Maybe the second-hand bikes would only cost 100 Euros at least. But the new bikes cost 200 Euros or more.


Alexandre is trying to be cute. Haha! Why are you closing your eyes?


The ideal bike but so heavy

Ah, this is a nice bike with two passengers on the back. Look how expensive it is, 2900 Euros. Gosh, I have difficulty controlling it. Nope, nope, not for me.


My husband is just waiting for the next promotion so that we can have a discount. We can't decide yet which one to have as we are looking for a small bike that suits my size.


My husband asked many questions to the staff which bike is suitable for the trailer. And if my kids are taller, we also need another adjustment. I need a bike that I can use for many years with the kids.

Wait, what I just realized about the price of the e-bike?

If you've seen the 2900 Euros bike, converting it to Philippine Pesos is about PHP 175,000. Omg, with this amount of money, I can buy a motorbike or my favorite Honda Scoopy for PHP 70,000.

My city bike in the Philippines only cost me PHP 3,500 or about 60 Euros. That is why I am happy to have a 100 Euro bike here or even a second-hand bike. I don't have a driver's license here yet so I can't have a moped here.

Also, I can pedal the bike if I don't use an electric source. Another purpose is for my fitness journey.

Anyway, I'll create another update once we are decided which bike to buy.

Thank you for reading my #MarketFriday post created by @dswigle.

Roxanne Tamayo -

Welcome to iTravelRox! Roxanne Tamayo is a Cebuana who is a traveler. Now a mom of 2 kids and a wife. She is a travel blogger and a digital nomad. As a Virtual Assistant, she does a lot of things like content writing, WordPress web design, WP updates and maintenance, graphic design, and photo editing. She is into wedding photography, as well.

If you like iTravelRox's content, please don't forget to upvote and leave a comment. She will share a lot of stories about solo travels, motherhood, family travel, and working as a VA.

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