Market in Scotland!

Morning all! I'm not even sure what day it is compared to what time zone I'm in now hehe! But I think I might be able to drop some pics in for @dswigle's #marketfriday community! It's been a while for me because I live on top of a mountain and my markers are limited to our gift shop for our camp! It actually takes me making a big drive to head out and find a new market! hehe And this time I took a big drive followed by a big fly followed by another big drive all the way around the world to Scotland!

This day we had hung out at Urquhart Castle and waited to see Nessie! but .. we didn't find her! On the way home, we made a little stop at a market. We were just going to head in to get a snack but the charm of the place had us in there for an hour!

I'll share some of the fun things we saw but I can't share all...some are gifts I had to bring home! Too cool to leave behind!

One of the saddest parts about traveling being gluten free is that you are limited in trying EVERYTHING... and of course the first thing I see.... BAKED GOOD YUMMIES!

Take a look at these tasty little treats too. I wanted one of each hehehe but I had to be satisfied with feasting my eyes on them lol

I'm not EXACTLY sure what these are. Scotch eggs? Maybe @tengolotodo can explain hehe. I'm assuming that they are eggs that are flavored? or stuffed? and here are the different flavors! haggis flavored egg? hehehe I am not so sure about that one!!! πŸ˜…

Look at these sweet little stuffies! So...I'm thinking that they are stuffed mushrooms! lol I guess? I don't really know to tell you the truth! But there are lots of sheep everywhere on the beautiful green hills of Scotland, and I'm sure that a lot of that wool gets turned into scarves, toys, blankets, clothes, etc! and... these? hehe

Don't call these chips! Chips is something totally different in the UK (we call THOSE fries in the states hehe) but these? "crisps!" And you are unlikely to see these flavors in the states! once again...there's that haggis! πŸ˜‚

More fabric! Hand colorful!!! it's not just a flavor but an actual sausage here! I don't remember all that goes into haggis...but from what I remember it's like a sausage with various parts of the body all cooked inside a stomach casing? Not sure how they sell it in stores, but this looks like a normal sausage that you would see in the US market. But now take a look at the pic after this one...

Vegetarian haggis!!! So...what in the world goes into this? all the various parts of the tofu? hehehe not sure but I MIGHT be willing to try it! πŸ˜‚

When I was in Fiji, I loved this little chain shop called Hot Bread Kitchen, where they had fresh bread and rolls and cakes and pies every day! I miss all those things and when I saw these my mouth immediately starting watering!! One day , they're going to find a pill that lets me eat as much gluten as I want again...until then, enjoy my pics and eat one for me? lol

And check out the different flavors here! Mmmm wild boar always sounds like it would step up that ham flavor to a new level! lol

Can't go wrong with chocolate!!! add in caramel and salt...and I'm in heaven. I actually COULD have eaten this but it just seemed like a mountainous tower of sugar and I wasn't sure I wanted to start gaining weight on the very first days of vacation HAHAHAHAA

Lovely pottery, don't you think? I've been seeing so many videos of people shaping pottery and designing lately...seems like I'm being tempted all over the world!!!

More meat pies and rolls begging for me to come to them!!! lol Oh how I wish I could have tasted them!

More delicious chocolates for you to indulge on! we have ready to eat slices of haggis and then something even .... more interesting pudding. Now, from what I know of this, the thing that makes it dark is the congealed blood? For me, I think I will pass. lol So what is the white pudding then? No idea! Did I try any of them? No way! I was too chicken lol

And finally ... one last pie to make you happy!!! hehehe filled to the brim with fruit!

Hope you enjoyed our little stop in Scotland!!! I might have enough market pics in UK to come back again next week lolol

all images are mine ☺️

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