Cooking Brain aka Surviving the Heatwave and more on my 'Camping' Life

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My brain is cooking...

in fact, it is sizzling and making all kinds of funny noises.

I am seriously considering to pair it
with a nice glass of chilled Chianti.

Or I probably would,
were my name to be 'Hannibal Lecter'.

unlike this charming, sophisticated cannibal,
I don't eat human beings

my brain sure is cooking though.

It's hard to even think, during the current heatwave.

Right now, it is 41 Degrees Celsius outside, in the shade. It's about 10 Degrees cooler inside my house. I am only wearing swimming pants and I'm still hot.

Can't help being hot ;<)

As referred to in my previous teaser-like write up an update on my housing situation,
I plan to tent in a sleep sleep in a tent

See what my frying brain did there?

very soon.

In fact, I plan to do so tonight.

And I plan to plant that tent just outside my house, on the tiles of the walled terrace,
in front of my doorstep.

In fact, my new tent has been located there, in the last 3 days,
and a friend of my brother and his girlfriend has spent 3 nights in a row, sleeping in it, testing it out.
Aside from the last night, when his nose was blocked due to pollen allergy
and possibly the heat too,
he slept like a prince.
Meanwhile my brother,his girfriend and I struggled a little more, sleeping inside my house,
where it was probably 10 Degrees warmer.

I wrote (most of) the above yesterday and I am finishing this today.

It's hard to focus with the current weather.

There's so much that I'd like to say and share
but I just can't wrap my head around it,
most of it will have to wait until I can think straight again.

I just felt I had to convinue my last post or at least reveal why I was about to sleep in a tent ;<)

I checked the outdoor temperature again, just now, and it is 40 Degrees Celsius in the shade.

As I explained to a good friend of mine, @inuke , an hour or so ago, it's even too hot to be outdoors (in the shade), unless you are close to cold enough water and I am doubting whether I should walk 15 minutes to the river beach.

Perhaps later today.

It's also extremely dry heat with a hairdrier/Föhn like wind.

Anyhow, I am not complaining.
I am merely surviving, by taking it very easy and drinking plenty of water and other cold beverages, while spending the time in my swimming pants, indoor, mostly.

I kind of feel like a participant in the survival reality show Alone (that I have been watching in the last month or so) but then with plenty of food and with heat, instead of cold and rain, as well as with Internet haha and company, most of the time.

It is some form of survival though, making it through the heatwave. That needs to be said.

In fact, it is so dry, these days, that my twin sister's water mine almost ran out of water. This only happened once, since they purchased their land (in June 2018). So it's the second time in 5 Summers spent out here. The last time this happened, was in September, (two or) three years ago, now it happens (already) in June.

The water mine refills itself, but way slower than their current water usage.

Just now, I had to throw out my lunch. Even though I had stored it in my fridge over night, my couscous tasted off. It was prepared two days ago and I added some fresh ingredients to it yesterday (to eat it with my neighbor). Yesterday, for dinner, it still tasted fine. Just now, it didn't.
It tasted off, reeked a little. I took two bites and added the rest to my compost.

Survival mode activated...

So, to get back to my tent sleeping experience. I slept in my new tent, yesterday night. It was almost too warm (but likely fresher than inside my house) and after going out for a pee, early morning, two Mrs. Mosquitoes had managed to enter my tent. I eventually managed to draw some blood (possibly my own) and deal with them and fell asleep again. I woke up from the heat, around 9am (had to catch up on some missed sleep), and noticed that it was already 29 Degrees Celsius.

Right now, we have hit the big 40 again (similar to my age).

Survival mode temperature.

I am looking forward to some slightly cooler nights, from now on, and hope that will make a difference - make me sleep better.

There's a day or 4 of 40 Celsius to go. Afterwards, we will have a slight dip in temperature. Looking forward to it!

By the way, my tent was also almost too small, when I stretched out, as I can't use herrings on my tiled terrace, so it kind of folds inward. It was fun though, to sleep in a tent - if I forget about the mosquitoes and all the animal noises outside.

FIY there's not many wild animals out here, I mainly heard barking dogs (it was Supermoon and full moon, last night) and loud (early) birds. I guess the wild pigs prefer my neighbor's gardens and the foxes have no chickens to feed on (not on my land, that is).

I am gonna end it here for today. Let's see what next night brings.

I am curious though what kind of weather you are experiencing, wherever you are on this planet. Feel free to share it with me in the comments :<)


In case you wondered, no, I don't plan to sleep in my tent in my living room, tonight. I merely parked my tent inside my house, this morning, due to the extreme heat, knowing that the sun here destroys everything, over time, if it gets the chance.

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