Hi guyssssss….. Today, I just want to rant/talk, whichever way you see it.

First of all, what do you guys think about toilets? How do you see this special room they call toilet?


Well, breaking news!! Toilets are one of my nightmares!
Yes please… it really is.
I cant say for sure when I noticed my repulse towards toilets but here's what I do know;

When I was much younger and still in secondary school, I overheard my classmates talking about a topic I can barely remember right now. The only part that stuck was the part where my class captain mentioned that he goes to toilet everyday. I was like… what?!

I was about 15 years then and up until that moment, I never knew people actually went to toilet to defecate everyday. For what?!

As long as I was concerned, it was absolutely unnecessary to go to the toilet every morning to defecate. I was literally awed!

All my life, The only time I went to toilet for two days or more consecutively was only when I had a running stomach. Otherwise, I only went about 2 to 3 times a week. This has been the case no matter how much of food I eat and frankly that was what I considered normal until the day I had that discussion by my classmates. I asked my mum and some other people around expecting them all to be surprised at my discovery but they all thought something was wrong with me instead. They said it wasn’t healthy for me not to defecate at least once every day. I felt very healthy though and still strongly believed that I was even healthier than the person that goes to toilet every day.


Toilet and feaces have always irritated me beyond normal. I don’t like entering the toilet except I have an unavoidable reason like urinating, defeacating or bathing in a case where the toilet is built together with bathroom. For this reason, I don’t like toilets and bathrooms being built together so I can comfortably shower for as long as I please without the thought of a toilet sit close by, no matter how neat and sparkly it may be. I also don’t like when toilets are left open. Trust me, I wouldn’t even look in that direction or be comfortable until it gets closed.

Some might ask, how do you then manage when you have to use the toilet? Here's what I do; I simply try not to look around so much. You know when it seems like youre looking at something but youre not really looking at it? I go straight to the goal, urinate or defecate sharply and just leave. When I defecate, I don’t look at the toilet to flush. I really don’t, I stand up and just flush immediately without looking at the toilet hole. If I'm going to bath, I simply just do it as quick as I can with out looking around so much and of course without paying attention to the toilet sit close by.


Some of my friends say that this irritatbility is propbably what is responsible for me not going to toilet everyday. Well, I don’t get pressed often and there's nothing anyone can do about that. In my defense, my body properly utilizes the food I eat very well leaving just very little waste.

Now the question is; if my body utilizes so much of the food I eat more than the others, where exactly does all the food go? Why am I still skinny despite being a foodie with a perfectly utilizing body system that leaves very little waste?

Well, that part is still a mystery even to me but of course I would like to know what you guys think.
I have gone to ask in a hospital and the doctor said if I wasn’t feeling sick them I'm perfectly fine!

So what are your thoughts?

Thanks so much for reading through🥰
See you in comment section!

Image not cited was taken by me

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