Time, Lessons, Experience: Welcome to Humanity.

Someone once said that if cryptocurrency was easy, everyone would have achieved financial freedom, and I agree. However, this is not limited to cryptocurrency; it applies to all aspects of life. There are some situations or even circumstances that you can only master by suffering the consequences of going through them, which is why learning is never easy.

When I was a teacher, I used to see mothers bring their toddlers to school, and these children would scream their lungs out because they did not want to be there. Why? It is a completely new environment, free of their mother and father's familiar gaze and preferential treatment.

They will grow up to deal with class bullies, solve their own problems, and react when no one else is there to do so. Almost all children despised going to school. The same goes for people who have left their homes.

Surviving On Your Own

Leaving home means figuring out how to survive without parental supervision. Most young adults believe that this is beautiful because it allows them to have the luxury of freedom, but they fail to realize that freedom combined with regulation leads to mistakes that may eventually ruin their future.

When it comes to paying bills, most young people quickly learn the harsh realities of life. Paying bills, being homeless, and in need of food all contribute to a sense of reality, and when life happens, most young people become vagabonds and make terrible mistakes.

Another life reality is when people leave college. Before they leave college, it always feels good to leave that phase of their lives behind; however, the concept of freedom is not true when a new environment feels hostile.

It is like an ex-convict leaving prison. They envision the day when they will leave, only to face the hostility of being unemployed due to the stigma of being an ex-convict.

People learn life through various lenses, and if you have never seen life through a specific lens, there is no way you will be able to master what is hidden in what you have not been exposed to; it is that simple.

I have been sick almost my entire life, and as a result, I have learned to appreciate something most people don't: the gift of good health. It is absolutely not free. The gift of good genetics from father or mother to son is considered good inheritance.

I have seen most people say they do not want to pass their disease on to their children, even if it means not having children. I am used to hearing things, including negative things, and to people speaking from their own comfortable experiences, and this is how I have learned. I understand that my learning experience has been more difficult than that of others, or even the majority of people, but there is no law requiring learning to be enjoyable.

However, while some learning experiences are beneficial, the majority of the time we learn through experiences that leave us with salty tastes and feelings, which is why life can be difficult in general. This is exactly why people wish they could learn without making mistakes. Mistakes are mostly incorrectible more than they're correctible.

The mistakes that cannot be corrected leave scars, a reminder of the wrong paths we have taken; however, just because we have learned does not absolve us of the consequences of our actions.

If people can decipher their lives as soon as they become conscious and mature enough, it will be difficult to see them poor, in regret, going through divorces, suffering the consequences of avoidable actions, and having many regrets. I have heard people say they wish they could go back in time and buy BTC, while others wish they had never married a certain person, among other things.

We truly live with regret, knowing that some things are unavoidable

Human actions are powerful and can cause disruptions in the fabric of time and space. While I believe that the universe is vast, I also believe that human actions and inactions have a significant impact on universal balance. A single action can unleash a plague, create viruses, and kill millions of people who could have been doctors, scientists, and other professionals.

Unfortunately, people do not learn unless they participate in the various vicissitudes of life. Despite my numerous rants, I like to think that I am grateful. There are people I like to blame for a lot of things, but I also believe that life can never be perfect; the tendency for things to go wrong is unavoidable, and we can not just make things worse than they already are.

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