All good things must end...But why!

For the last few days I've been away from home enjoying a break - I'd go as far as saying it was a much-needed break to be honest; A time to recharge, to see something new and do very little at all - No fixed agenda. I've spent it with nature mostly, hiking and sitting around looking at the sea roll in and out and thinking about stuff. It's been reasonably enjoyable and I lucked out with the weather as well - No rain...Although it's been cool.


Today it all came to an end though. I saddled up the big dog and headed home with my camper trailer in tow...Reluctantly headed home I might add. I would rather have stayed.

It's a long drive, almost 700 kilometres and I'm heading back on a different route because there's some silo art I want to take a look at in a place called Kimba. I'm hoping the sun is in the right spot to grab a photo for you...I don't have the skills with a camera to make it work any other way so, fingers crossed y'all.


So yep, I'm heading home, and will get there after dark; I will back the camper trailer away into its storage spot and deal with cleaning it and getting it ready for my next trip on the weekend. No, I don't have the next trip planned yet, but I have to fool my mind into thinking there is a next trip so I can manage to drag my ass into work Thursday morning. Even then it's going to be difficult to get there...I need to think up an excuse not to! 😁


Work...Even just the thought of it depresses me right now and the thought of sitting in my office working only 24 hours after sitting on a rock looking at views like you see in this post...Well, it's not a pleasant thought. It'll be worse as I'll have to catch up on work from the last few days and I have a major issue I need to solve with a client as I wrote about a few days ago. Just the thought of it annoys me...Why! Why do holidays have to end?


I also need to deal with the tyre issue that happened on the way to my destination. I wrote about it a few days ago and you can see it here if you like. It's going to be costly I think, not just a simple new tyre. I spoke to someone yesterday who suggested I change the rims over to a more common size which will mean tyres will be more readily available if this was to happen again. Due to the tyre size and no availability I have had to return home without a spare on the trailer and that's not something I feel very comfortable with.

This will have to wait though, for a week or so at least...Not that it will be any easier on my wallet in a week. Besides, I want to think through my plan as I'm a do it right first time sort of chap.

Anyway, I probably sound a bit depressed in this post and part of me is to be honest, but also I feel pretty happy I had the chance to take this little trip in the first place, that I have the means to take trips like this now and then and that we're not locked down like other parts of the world. So really, I'm grateful...If a little disgruntled that I have to go to work tomorrow. I'm not sure why they say all good things must come to an end...I wonder why they have to! It doesn't seem fair. If it's good, why end it?

So, tell me about what you're like when your holidays come to an end...Do you get a little annoyed at having to go back to work and start planning the next right away like me?

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