Introducing the Ranting, Complaining or Talking Community!

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share a fun update of sorts. New community!

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Need to Vent?

We had a pretty rough day yesterday that you can read about here. In that post @riverflows brought up a valid point. There wasn't a community for ranting!

Now I know this could be a pretty dangerous community in some regards however we all need a place to let loose some anger or put down words that don't really fit into other communities. There are lots of good free-write places and others where you can write things but I didn't feel great bringing my negativity to the place. Apparently the topic was sort of on-par with what they had for a prompt however I still felt bad doing it.

In comes the ranting community! I think this could be a fun place to just let loose some things that have been on our mind. We all have something of the sort! You don't even have to do it on your main account, you can create a fake account just to put your thoughts to writing. Have a dedicated venting account if you want! I don't have any real restrictions set up for the community besides:

  • Nothing Racial!
  • Adults Only (since we don't want kids to see some of this stuff lol)
  • No downvotes if you disagree with somebody. The purpose of the place is to just have free reign to post things, respecting those minimal limitations. This isn't a hard and set in stone rule but being a dick about these minimal rules will get you muted.

The other thing people could use it for of course, is just shooting the shit! I know there are a hell of a lot of places for that on here so I don't know if it will be used for anything related to that however I don't want it to be restrictive to just ranting and complaining. Post about the most random things you want, I don't care, have at it! I can't guarantee anything here will be rewarded but that's not really the point. Engagement and a place where you can talk if you want is the point.

I've set up a few mods for the community, though I don't know if they really even care but it's still there if anyone wants it!

created/hive-196233 is the link to the community, which you can of course access by clicking on the green community button on the top of the post.

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