First Free Write: Miserable People

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I had much different plans for what I wanted to post from recently and all of that changed really drastically this morning. It’s my first free write in the community though! If this isn’t content you want in it though let me know, I’ll find a ranting community lol.

I always include pictures in my posts and this one felt weird not doing one so here’s a generator I want to buy. Money for it? :D


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Misery Loves Company

Ah what a fantastic start to the day. I was doing good, was going to head to the bank and open a business account. Made the family breakfast, for my coffee ready and headed out the door. Where we live we have assigned parking spots and our second one is down the road a little bit. So I was on my way down there and I walked up to the area and pretty much shit a brick.

My car was gone. As anyone with a car can imagine, lots of things go through your head, the first being is it stolen? Spent the next hour calling the police, towing companies and the property company only to find out we fell victim to one of the most miserable old fucking assholes we could find.

We live in an area that has ample parking. There could be an influx of 50 cars and each one would have a parking spot and some to spare. People find it their life’s calling though to be the savior of all that is holy when it comes to parking your car. They are the emergency trauma surgeon of car spaces, it is THAT serious guys come on!!!

We’ve owned the spot for going on 9 years now and this miserable old coot has lived here for double that. The car hasn’t moved since the god damn pandemic started! I’ve driven it 6 times since last March? Now all of a sudden it is completely unknown and gets towed away? We have lots of evidence that these scumbags fucked up, we are just waiting to take it to small claims court for the principle of having to pay to get the car that was breaking no rules, back.

Point of this all: some people are the most miserable excuses of human flesh on the planet and they seem to love to spread their misery around them as much as possible. What if I didn’t have two pennies to rub together? It’s the worst economic situation in memory for job losses but a car parked in a spot they mistook as a visitor spot is at the top of this losers list. The worst part is they are an absolute fucking coward and sneak around in the middle of the night writing tickets. They don’t face people EVER because they have no balls to speak to someone to see if there’s a misunderstanding, just write tickets.

Free write rant over. Sorry we are fired up.

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