I woke up in Nottingham


Moving into a new place always comes with a lot of challenges and moving into a new country is even harder. There are innumerable variables to deal with and all you can do is handle things as they come.

I guess we have to be grateful for the internet that has enabled us have a mental picture of the city before we even got here. For example, we didn't only know our address on paper but thanks to google map and some fine detective work by my wife, we already knew how the house looks.

So when we stood in front of our house for the first time, it wasn't the first time we were seeing it. We had seen pictures and lived the moment many times in our heads before we even stepped foot in the UK.

Today's our fourth day in the UK and to be honest, I haven't exactly internalised much about the society. Whenever I go outside, it all seems new to me and until I get a steady reason to go outside, it will always feel that way.

For example, I haven't exactly adjusted to the currencies. I mean, I can read, so I just have to really focus and the people are generally nice, so they correct me when I'm wrong but I have to internalise things to the point where I don't have to look at the note for too long.

Right now, we are fully dependent on maps to survive and I reckon it will also be the same for a while. I mean, generally speaking, no one is above using map anyway, so we'll be like everyone else.

In Nigeria, the maps aren't as precise as they are here so most times, you'd have to depend on your instincts as well. Around here, the maps are so detailed that you can experience a location before you even go there, so a lot of people seem to be heavily dependent on them.

There's an app that tells you the fastest bus routes to take and that will be very useful as we go on. We'll have to get a bus card at some point but not anytime soon since we don't go out daily.

There's a WiFi in the house and I have to say, it is quite fast. I don't know if it is 5G or how much it costs monthly but it's all in our rent, so I don't have to worry about that for now.

When we find our feet in the country, we'll start exploring moving into a place where we pay our own bills because that enables us to build our credit score. However, for now, we don't need to worry about monthly bills and all of that.

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