Don't Ask Why...

SOoooooooooooo......... Even though I'm within that age bracket when the brain shows signs of encroaching dementia, I do remember recently stating I'm going on break from blogging on Social-Media. Therefore, you might be wondering, "What the hell is he doing back so soon"...?!?!?!?!?

Well... In all honesty, I don't know. I must be more bored than usual...and... since I'm bored, I might as well bore some other poor souls on the chain who might not be bored; out of spite!!!

If you're as bored as me today, or more bored, then this stupid, boring post might actually lift your spirits a bit - somehow...

I'm no expert on psychological matters, but I have heard that 'Misery loves company' (Whatever the hell that means?)

If that's true, then happy people must hate company... and to me, it doesn't seem true. I've welcomed having people come to my house when I was feeling happy in the past. Until they made me miserable for some reason or another... Then, I just wanted them OUT...!!!

I don't know... Maybe I'm different than most people. Once I'm miserable, I don't want company hanging around messing with my head.

Do you like people hanging around when you're feeling in the dumps about something, or pissed off? What if they're trying to cheer you up with stupid jokes? That's the WORSE...!!!

Sometimes I feel like killing happy people. Especially if they're trying to cheer me up. They're the worse kind of people on the planet.

I had a girlfriend who tried cheering me up one morning by cooking breakfast for me. It was bad enough to sit there listening to her happily moving about in the kitchen, singing and stuff like that. THEN... she plops a plate of pancakes down in front of me with sliced hot-dogs and raisons in the damned things...?!?!?!?!?

Holy-shmoley... I almost barfed just by looking at the ugly mound, covered in maple syrup to boot!!!

Looking back, I'm glad I didn't kill her... she was otherwise a rather pleasant person - when she wasn't trying to cheer me up...


Here's hoping this post isn't taken the wrong way. I'm NOT trying to cheer anybody up with it; so, don't curse me out, hunt me down and try to kill me...

That's about it for now, my friends. I'll catch up with you down the road, to see what's up.

Till then... if you're happy... stay that way if it pleases you. Just don't show up at my door with a big stupid grin on your face...!!!



March 25, 2022
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