Music as widely known involves combination of sound which are pleasant to the hearing. We humans have the ability to know and recognize pleasant sounds by our ability to hear them i.e. sensory perceptions. Music has been explored over the years in areas of learning especially early childhood learning, in entertainment industry, in information sharing/communication, in religious activities, in income generation/earnings etc. However, music is also a powerful healing agent which has been leveraged on for the healing of the human mind especially in psychological cases e.g. mood disorders.

Health as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) is a "state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Reference The ability of we humans to see and hear is what makes us appreciate music and these are entrances to the mind i.e. soul of we humans. Whatever one can hear or see can impact on the mind either positively or otherwise. Music impacts on the mind positively if well maximised and that's the reason some described it as the "medicine to the soul".

The mental health which is psychological in nature as related to the mind can be affected by traumatic life situations which can lead to depression and other similar conditions. Likewise, mood disorders, anxiety, bipolar conditions and other similar conditions are "diseases of the mind" which music has been found to help improve such conditions as an adjunct therapy. For example, as a healthcare professional, we do recommend to people who are in this category to do something to make them happy like visiting friends/family, gisting, timeout and aswell listening to good music which is able to elate them even as an adjunct therapy.

Also, music through its rich lyrical content can be inspiring, encouraging and giving hope to the downcasted or discouraged individuals as the case may be. For example, based on my personal story, i sometimes once had an academic challenge during my undergraduate days in the University, but been in music rearshals, playing instruments, good lyrical content of such music helped me alot and encouraged me then, now everything is a story because i came out of it strong. The healing power of music can be seen in restoring hope, elating the downcasted and encouraging the discouraged.

The healing power of music can be seen in a nation aside the individual experiences. A nation can be healed of divisions, strifes, wars, quarrels and such likes through music. For example, in the year 1991, the Nigerian music maestro and icon, Late Onyeka Onwenu released her evergreen song titled: "ONE LOVE" which is a song that promotes love, unity and peace. This song later became an household song in Nigeria families and received widespread acceptance and recognition. It reminds us of national unity and integration hereby bringing healing and peace to our dear nation.

In addition, it has been found out that those who engages in music in one way or the other has tendencies to live long because anything that elates, delights or makes happy has a way of contributing to the wellness of the body somehow. This is evident in a moody, depressed individual having a tendency of bad health or short-lived. Music therefore, is a good and powerful healing agent which when engaged with individually or collectively brings about positive developments. Even in the religious cycle, music is believed to invoke the supernatural healing power of God to experience divine healing. So whether natural or supernatural, music heals. Be it emotional, psychological, spiritual, personal, national and so on, music heals. Thank you for reading as comments and contributions are welcomed.

AN ENTRY TO AFRI-INLEO INITIATIVE 21. Check out this @afri-tunes/how-music-heals-afriinleo-initiative-21-6pe?referral=afri-tunes to get involved. @ashiru @g2comfort @rosana6 you are invited to join this initiative THUMBNAIL DESIGNED USING CANVA

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