Afritunes week 105. Two special Hausa songs by adaezeinchrist

Hello great Africans. It is indeed a great pleasure to be here again for this week.

For this week I will be doing two different Hausa songs with special meaning to me. Most times I love doing Hausa songs because it speaks to me directly. These two songs have a way of making me see reasons to follow my God despite what I am facing. In a time like this when people are going through alot of hardship and troubles, we need words that will encourage us to keep moving because there is great hope for us. What it means is that we are not giving up now and not anytime soon.

The lyrics of the first song says -

Ni na YESU ne
Kwo Ina zan tofi
Ni na YESU ne
Zan bi hanye shi

Ni na YESU ne
Kwo Ina zan tofi
Ni na YESU ne
Kwo yonshe? 2x

I am for christ
I will go anywhere
I am for christ
I will follow his way

I am for christ
I will go anywhere
I am for christ
Any time 2x

The lyrics of the second
Mune gishiri mune pitila duniya
Beri haske ya haskaka cikin duniya

Mune gishiri mune pitila duniya
Beri haske ya haskaka cikin duniya

The reason why I love these two songs is because of the lyrics. The first is encouraging us to keep following our God even in bad situations.
The second says that we are the light of the world. It emphasizes that we should let our lights out for the world to see. I don't think that it is right to have lights and every one is in darkness. We need to let the light of God in us shine out for others to come out of darkness and see the light.

I wrote the lyrics myself.
Thanks alot and till we meet next week.

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