Added the second layer of netting today


GDP is flowering nicely


I am about two and a half weeks into the flowering of my granddaddy purple and I am beginning to see the buds starting. I think the plant has finished its preflower stretch and now all of its energy is going to be focused in creating buds.

It is crazy that 15 days ago, this is what the plant looked like. I have done some major defoliation and the plant has probably grown about 8 more inches during those 15 days.


All of the bud sites are looking really healthy and I think that they will have some serious nugs on them very soon.


Now that I have some god visible bud sites, I am going to introduce the Explode by Dutch Pro tomorrow. During the first two weeks of flower, you are not supposed to use it, then you slowly introduce it by adding 1.9ml per gallon for weeks 3 and 4, 3.8ml per gallon for weeks 5 and 6, and then 5.7ml per gallon for weeks 7 and 8, then you flush for the remaining time of flower.


I am excited to see how this stuff works. I have had some pretty airy buds with the last couple plants, so I hope that this stuff, along with a lot better light coverage, really helps to create some thick and dense buds.


This second layer of the netting is really going to help support the weight of all the bud on these branches. These branches are pretty strong on this plant, and I don't think that they will need much support, but some of the smaller and thinner branches that are still working their way up past the second layer may need a little bit of help, and it is a lot better than trying to tie off strings all over inside the tent to support branches.


I think I am going to do one more defoliation day in about a week to remove some of the fan leaves that block a lot of light. It won't be anything near the defoliation I did a few days ago. I also don't plan on cutting any more of the branches off since they are all producing buds. I will need to keep any eye out on bud sites that may try and form under the canopy though and cut those off as I see them. I don't want the plant to spend any of its energy creating bud sites that won't produce decent sized buds.


Nothing really new to report on the green crack seedling right now. I think over the next seven days, I will see a lot of growth from it and it will start to get more exciting. It is weird watering this one right now cause I only water every 3-4 days, whereas the GDP gets at least 2 liters of water a day. This morning during its watering, I added some of the kelp nutrient to its water. I have really liked the effects from the kelp. It really makes some strong stems and branches during the vegetative stage.

Overall, things in the grow room are going awesome and are right on schedule. Growing this photo period plant has really helped me learn so much about the different stages of cannabis. I had gotten pretty complacent with my autos and just let them do their thing, but it has been a lot of fun growing the GDP. Thanks for checking out my post. If you liked it, leave me a comment. I like upvoting comments because I like the engagement.

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