Great Cliff Overlook on Mount Horrid


Great Cliff Overlook on Mount Horrid, Addison County, Vermont.


The Great Cliff Trail is a short spur trail off of the Long Trail. The Long Trail runs the entire length of Vermont from north to south.

New York

We parked at Brandon Gap where the Long Trail crosses Highway 73. From the parking lot its only a half of a mile up to the overlook. Its a short hike but the elevation increases 600 ft so you are hiking up stone steps most of the way.


The blue mountains in the distance are the Adirondacks in New York.

Fellow traveler

It was sunny looking west to New York but unfortunately the sky was mostly overcast.


I caught a little more light in this shot. The fall colors are definitely coming and look much better in person.

Blue skies

I rarely say this but New York looks like the place to be haha at least for blue skies today.

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