Colby College library

Colby college

Miller Library on Colby College in Waterville, Maine. Waterville is in central, south Maine but not on the coast.

Miller Library

More info on Colby can be found here on wikipedia Colby is a small (about 2000 undergraduates) private, liberal arts college.

Big sky

New England is famous for its small colleges. Eleven of the schools compete in the NESCAC (New England Small College Atheletic Conference). NESCAC is NCAA division 3 which in keeping with the academic focus of these institutions does not allow athletic scholarships.

Mayflower Hill

All my photos in this post are of the Miller Library. More info here Miller Library from the Colby College website.


The Miller Library was funded by the class of 1890 in 1939 and completed after the war in 1947. At the time, it was the tallest building in Maine. And now its the most photographed building on campus 😊 I know I took LOTS of photos. These are the best and/or ones without people in them lol

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