Back home at the lake

Nice morning

Beautiful morning at the lake. The lake is Lake Dunmore in Addison County, Vermont. I got back from a short trip to the lovely seacoast of Maine but its always good to be back home. Always a #beautifulsunday (@ace108 ) at the lake.

Slightly cloudy

Although I will say that the cool weather in Maine was nice. Its been hot and humid here in Vermont. Thunderstorms are promised every afternoon but don't quite materialize.

Sun breaking through

Once the sun breaks through it heats up quickly. This is going to be a #sublimesunday (@coff33a).


The sun and clouds and surface of the lake are always changing to make for interesting photos.

Harsh sunlight behind clouds

The overcast sky looks almost metallic reflected back from the water in this shot. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone 😎

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