SPb historic festival. Part 3 - portraits

I continue to publish pictures from the historical festival "Window to Europe". I promised a continuation and a detailed detailed story about the event, but I'm not ready to tell this story yet. After a hard week at work (the first week after a vacation is always the hardest) I found myself exhausted, wanting to sleep, and categorically did not want to leave the house anywhere, even to the store.

Check my previous posts from this event:

I spent the whole day yesterday at my computer sorting and renaming photos from the festival (I was there for two days). At the same time - looking with fresh eyes - I found it possible to remove some duplicates. Photographs are best viewed soberly some distance away in time, and not immediately after the event, you know.


Now, between other things, I can edit photos, put puzzle pieces into one picture, another picture, a third picture... and tell stories. What will I do later. And in today's post, I'll just show you a small selection of portraits.


Court nobleman in a wig and caftan "European cut fashion."


Those hats ('pirate' or 'admiral' - you name it) ... lets say - they have an irresistible appeal and a unmistakable taste of time.


Girl is doing calligraphy of XVII century, using a goose feather.


Modern fashion vs oldies. The former fashion is more stylish... but the modern one is much, much more comfortable!


Selfie was a must there. So many opportunities to take a cool photo against the backdrop of a good soldier or an old cannon. Yes, and a men's military caftan will adorn any girl .... probably. (Although, to be honest, I have some serious doubts about the authenticity of this fleece jacket... it's definitely not a decent English wool cloth!!!!))))


Do I always photograph only beautiful girls? oh no!! but there were really many beautiful girls (who were decorated with ancient clothes) at the festival. But I will show you men and handsome old men too. Here, please, get acquainted: the executioner.


Two people acted as the executioner (in the same costume), on different days of the festival. I liked both, I can not choose which one looked more convincing and menacing.



There was an executioner, and a victim, and a pillory with stocks. An inquisitive visitor could get to know more closely all these achievements of ciailization.

This man often caught my eye, he walked back and forth with a bag of something on his back, pretending to be ... whom? is he just a plain Dutch sailor?


No, this person is not so simple. It turned out that he had two suits, and later he acted as the whole captain of the Swedish ship!


"Boy, hey boy! Why do you need such big buttons? Why such a wide belt?.."


And the last portrait, as a bonus -- it is one of the most interesting (for me personally) characters I encountered during two days of the festival... no, this is not a participant in a costume show - this is a visitor like me. Although no, not the same like me: much, much more stylishly dressed! and very nimble, quirky ... in almost all the photos (and I followed this girl for a little while), she managed to escape from the camera's focus!

location: St.Petersburg, Russia July 2022 natural light
camera/lens: Canon 5D Canon 70-200mm 2.8L raw-conv
f/2.8 t 1/125 ISO 125 --

Thanks for walking with me, see you next time.


Продолжаю публиковать картинки с исторического фестиваля "Окно в Европу". Я обещал продолжение и обстоятельный детальный рассказ о мероприятии, но все еще не готов рассказать эту историю. После тяжелой рабочей недели (первая неделя после отпуска всегда самая трудная) я нашел себя измотанным, желающим выспаться, организм категорически не захотел никуда выходить из дома, даже в магазин. Весь вчерашний день я просидел у монитора, сортируя карточки по кучкам / темам и переименовывая фотографии с обоих дней фестиваля. Заодно, посмотрев свежим взглядом, и удалил некоторые дубли. Фотографии лучше трезво рассматривать отойдя на некоторое расстояние во времени, а не сразу опосля, ну вы сами знаете.

Теперь я могу спокойно редактировать карточки и складывать кусочки паззла в одну картину, или в другую ... или в третью картину :) в общем, могу рассказывать истории и так и эдак. Чем позже и займусь. А в сегодняшнем посте, просто небольшая подборка портретов. Надеюсь, вам было приятно прогуляться со мной по улицам Петербурга!


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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