The Goal was to die with Memories, not Dreams

The Goal was to die with Memories, not Dreams

Pangong Tso India

Royal Enfield rules the Himalayas

99 in every 100 bikes i saw were the Royals in Leh Ladakh mountains. And more than 60 of them would be Himalayan variant of Royal Enfield.

The photographs are at Pangong Tso lake. We had reached there in the evening and it was calm and cold. As the sun wenr down the mountains, the sky started showering snow, the winds were shaking the tents we stayed in. Had a very cold and sleepless night. It felt like we waitied all night just to see the sunlight back.

And here is the perfect reflection of a sunrise on the tanks of Royals.


The body covered with snow had 3 more hrs before sun melted it all down.


The hidden Himalayan comiout to lights slowly


The mirrors had a perfect space to hold half anow to reflect the snow covered mountains.


Oh its me, cold covered.




Sangam Point
Sangam (Meeting) point as name suggests its the meeting point of two rivers, River Indus and River Zanskar, the distinguishing colors of water is very clearly visible and makes it special for tourists.



The Roads

Did you see where the road is taking you,
To the mountains..!


The stunning view of a bikers group sailing through the curves of snow mountains.


The previous one was at lower altitudes and qhen you ride up a little(17000 ft) its all snow white. A long stretching road to Khardungla pass and the bikes crusing along.


Some random photographs


Blue yellow and the Mountains



And the Four wheel bike at the Magnetic Hill a natural illusion point.

The first time experience riding an ATV was fun and the photographs are of my friends when qent off the track and acceleratinback to the track. It takes a while you get the right hold of the ATV and burn the dust


The mommy's boy, wants her to drive


The Bike that never runs at Pangong Tso
Good thing, doesn't burn fuel, keeps the highest saline Lake pollution free 😀

INR 100 to sit on it and take a picture. This scooter type was used in famous Indian movie "3 Idiots" climax where the heroine rides the scooter to the lake and kisses the hero.

Hope you loved all the photographs and this takes you back to your bike memories and the trips you travelled.

Have a great day all 🙂🙂

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