Magical Madeira: breathtaking mountain views

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

It has been ages since I got to post something else than my regular contests (in fact, I often struggle to keep even those alive) and I hate to see my blog this dull and monotonous so I pushed myself to make some little room in my crazy real life schedule and finally post something different again. I still have a lot of unpublished photo material from a variety of cool locations and Madeira is one of them for sure. I even started this little photography series titled "Magical Madeira" but unfortunately, I only managed to post a couple of parts of it before falling silent for months.

Without further (awkward) ado, let me roll out another post dedicated to this spectacular Portuguese island called Madeira and this time, we will check out the island´s magnificent mountains. Actually, mountains cover most of the island´s area and we only got to visit a tiny little fraction of them but it was still an amazing hike and I totally enjoyed all the views that we were lucky to have. I said lucky because at these altitudes of more than 1,800 meters above the sea level, heavy clouds, fog and bad visibility are very common. But we were really lucky as we got some fantastic sunny weather that day. All the pictures that you will see below were taken by me from the top of (and around) Pico do Arieiro, the third tallest mountain on the island.

















I hope you enjoyed the post, even tough it was mostly visual this time with not much of a write up. There are so many things I would love to write about - from the places that I visited in the past to updates on how we are taking on the big new challenge called parenthood. The current happenings in the world of crypto is another topic that I would like to cover and there also many amazing and creative challenges and initiatives hosted here on Hive that I would totally and eagerly join if... well, you know. Damn, I just realized that I didn´t even get to wish you guys Merry Christmas and Happy New Year before the holidays and I guess it´s a bit too late to do it now :/ It´s not just our lovely little daughter that has been keeping us occupied though. You know, things tend to pile up in life so there is more stuff that we need to take care of now, including moving to another city. But I don´t want to turn this post into a personal rant over a lack of time. This post is about the beauty of the astonishing Madeira mountains and I hope you liked it ;)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Traveling, Photography, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Sport, Fitness and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)

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