Some interesting photos for you today.

Power cut time means hunting for lovely photos in the outdoors.
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So, let's go to this wine farm and see what we can get. The first two photos were taken at the entrance of the farm.

I included the Nguni cattle shots to show you that not only wine is produced at this farm, but that it is also a proper farm, and they even have a nature reserve on the farm. Many sights can be seen here and it is a photographer's paradise. In this post I have only taken photos of the small things that I liked and I hope that you will also like them.
So let's have a look.

Beautiful beasts that were bred specially for the harsh African conditions.

At first, we headed down to check on the river, but it was running low as we have had no rain recently.

Ah! A little Paradise Fly-catcher popped down from a tree. What a prize!

I think that it is a youngster, as their breeding season is over.

Here we had a Citrus Swallowtail butterfly on an Agapanthus flower.
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Let's stick to the yellows and here are some lovely flowers. I am not strong on flower names and I don't know what these are called.

It did however remind me of sunflowers and here is a stand of sunflowers on sale at the farm.

I heard a familiar sound and it was a Buzzard that came over.

Then it was time to leave and it was dense traffic, as the Nguni herd decided to cross the exit road.

I had to inch the car through the herd and it was a lovely feeling to be surrounded by the cattle.

Seeing a big eye peeping at you, right next to your car window, makes you feel that you can lower the window and say hi. I don't think that the owner of the big eye will return the greeting, as cattle can't talk. I just wonder what the thoughts were as it peeped through the window. Occasionally, we have some very nice trips with unexpected happenings, and we always come away pleased with the new experiences. There were some calves around, and I didn't want to get out of the car as some moms might think that I am a danger, and then they will call the dads to come sort me out :)
Only joking, as the Nguni's are used to human presences, due to forever being herded by people. So they are a peaceful crowd, and as I said before it is fun to have them around.

The farm is actually a wine estate and you can see what else they offer to their visitors Here

So, when you visit South Africa, specifically the Western Cape Province, don't forget to put this prestigious farm on your list.

I hope that you have enjoyed the photos and the adventure.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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