Braving the elements.

It has been raining here for two days now and they reckon that tomorrow it will continue.

I think that bird on the cheetah statue, should consider getting itself an umbrella :)

I am not one to sit in the house and my wife insisted on coming with me in order to cover me with her tiny umbrella. Oh yes, both of us and my camera got wet, but such is life.
A friend @fionasfavourites stated in her post that it was the first time in 21 years that their market was flooded out. You can see her post HERE.
So yes, the first of our winter rains have arrived.
Let me show you how the birds and animals cope with the rain.

Some heavy rain in a strong wind, but the bird sat anchored. You can see its mate sitting on the grass behind the statue.

Here is a closer shot of the mate and it looked a bit worse for wear.

No mountains on show and one could barely make out the hills.

This was the scene when we arrived, and the mountain was totally covered in the misty rain.

Some more birds were washing themselves in the rain.

The European Starlings were digging for insects in the soft ground.

On the way home I tried to take a photo through the car front window (windscreen) of a weak sun in the clouds and this was what I got.

Back home the squirrels were taking advantage of a lull in the rain. You can see one sitting behind the lattices of the flowerpot and another one on the ground at the front.

At times, they came chasing each other at speed through the lattices.

Grabbing nuts and rushing off to go and bury them.

But soon the rain returned with a vengeance, and it was the end of my photographic day.

So yes, we have to ride our luck sometimes and shed no tears about unfavorable conditions. I could so easily have spent the whole day at home relaxing with my feet up and a good book. But that's for old people and us youngsters are still filled with energy and wanderlust Lol.
Only joking, as I have very little energy, due to a critically low iron level, but that doesn't stop me from doing what I love.

I can go sit in a heap and cry because they cannot find the reason for my low iron level, or I can endure and carry on with life. I have chosen the latter ever since I can remember and I am still around and smiling.
For instance, my gall bladder was removed and the next day I was at work.
No, don't get me wrong, as I am not bragging, it is just the way that I am since small. During my childhood years I was bullied, because we were poor and my mom was divorced, but today I thank those days, as it has taught me to endure.
Just my way of life!

I hope that you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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