Swaziland 🇸🇿 Eswatini the Royal kingdom

Good day everyone on Hive i hope you're doing good.
I really hope you would like the story you are about to read.
How my journey begins to Africa .Born and raised in South Africa. My husband were working many years for a construction company in kemptonpark Gauteng, and the company didn't make money anymore and because of that my husband lost his job.And nowadays in South africa it is hard to find work opportunities. It was very stressful as you all can imagine one day everything is good and well the next no income no nothing.
For many days and nights we stress an pray for something to come up. After six months we got a call form a company in swaziland (Eswatini) as many people will know it nowadays. And it was not long when the greatest adventure began for us.
For someone who has never grossed any borders to any other country. I was so excited. Almost seven hours later and we arrived at the Eswatini border. Though the border is another hour and a half to were we were staying and it was dark so not much to see.

We stayed in Matsapa its a small town but very safe to stay the most beautiful nature and houses an friendly people. Many people believe africa is poor and there's no food or car's. But everything there is the same as any other country with mall's and restaurant's. I must say i will move back anytime, if it only where possible. Swaziland 🇸🇿 is very near and dear to me.

Swaziland is the smallest country in africa and they have a king who rules the country. The king is king mswati |||. He changed the name from Swaziland to Eswatini in 2018.
The king have been married 15 times and still have all his wife's and have 36 children. Every year the kingdom of Eswatini host a dance for the king so he can choose a new wife. One of the first places we went to was Ngwenya mine,

that is a must to see. They started the mine with hand tools and its considered the oldest mine in the world. The mine is located in Bomvu Ridge near mbabane. Iron was been mined there, but is no longer functional for more then 20 years. There used to be a museum but it burnt down a few years before we moved there. Only a few things are left were the museum once was.

Its just a place of history and site seeing. But before it was closed it was just another day at work for the Mswati people and one of the areas were starting to show underground water and not very long after that, the hole mine was under water. If you go there and don't know the facts you will think that is just a body of water that must be there.

It's a historical place now and i will post pictures so that you can see the nature, and all the most beautiful things that you can imagine.

Then there is swazi candles
its just a small business but with the most candles i have ever seen in one place all shapes and sizes colorful and beautiful.

A bit of history about this place, it started in a old cowshed in 1982. They have a coffee shop as well and lots of wooden craft animals outside the shops people can look at or buy.

Eswatini have lots of national parks like the Hlane Royal national game reserve.

Hlane is the seswati name for wilderness. We only took day visits but you can book a chalets and enjoy weekends and vacations there, its a self catering resort. Any animal you can think of you can see there but the lions is in a separated camp for people's safety and to protect the other animals. One can go and see them but with a guide. At the gate they will ask you if you want a guide or go in with your own vehicle.
The resort offers views of many different animals such as elephant,white rhinos, hippos and giraffe and many more.

There are restaurant's and many activities that day visitors can take part in.

Ngwenya Glass..
The meaning of Ngwenya is crocodile 🐊
This is the place i enjoyed the most .The things one can do at Ngwenya class.

You can picnic and enjoy the day with family, playgrounds for kids,make your own glasses or anything to do with glass and visit the small shops of the emaswati people. The shops are filled with handmade crafts like handbags,wooden animals,

cups,plates and much more.
Here is a few photos of another place called Sebebe rock its a nice place to relax and take your family to

If you maybe someday wants to visit Eswatini it will become one of your high lights of a life time.
and before i forget look at this big pawpaw. This one did grow in our yard in swaziland
bye for now

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