Discover the tranquility of the sea


Discover the tranquility of the sea

Hello, friends who love photography. The images I want to share with you today were taken in a town in Sucre State, Venezuela, called Manicuare, which is located south of the Araya Peninsula.

Hola, amigos amantes de la fotografía. Las imágenes que hoy quiero compartir con ustedes fueron tomadas en un pueblo del Estado Sucre, en Venezuela, llamado Manicuare, el cual se ubica al sur de la península de Araya

Manicuare is a fishing village, surrounded by the sea. Where its arid soil, warm climate and xerophytic vegetation contrasts with the intense blue of the sky and the sea.

Manicuare es un pueblo de pescadores, rodeado de mar. Donde su suelo árido, su clima cálido y su vegetación xerófila contrasta con el azul intenso del cielo y el mar.


The afternoon, although hot, was cloudy. The peñeros, after a morning's work or preparing for the night's work, were waiting on the shore.

La tarde, aunque calurosa, estaba nublada. Los peñeros, luego de una mañana de trabajo o preparándose para la faena nocturna, aguardaban en la orilla.


Although the sea is usually rough at the end of the day, that afternoon it was serene. The boats were rocking quietly with the swaying of the waves.

Aunque el mar suele ser bravío al final del día, esa tarde estaba sereno. Los barcos se mecían tranquilamente con el vaiven de las olas.


Looking at that seascape you have the feeling that the rhythm of time slows down and you perceive the perfect harmony around you.

Mirando aquel paisaje marino tienes la sensación de que el ritmo del tiempo se hace más lento y percibes la armonía perfecta a tu alrededor.


I am not a professional photographer, nor do I own a camera. I only have a cell phone and the sensitivity to be moved by the wonders of the world.

No soy una fotógrafa profesional, ni tengo una cámara fotográfica. Solo tengo un celular y la sensibilidad para conmoverme con las maravillas del mundo.

*All images are my property, none were edited and were taken with my TECNO SPARK Go 2022 cell phone. The text was translated with Deepl

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Until next time, friends

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