Deranged Photography Contest: See through Bratislava


This week's theme is challenging. {As if the others were easy, sigh}. @Derangedvisions is asking us to hit him with our best shots. Problem is that my best photos (technically speaking) have been posted; and the ones with meaning are horrendous. So, I'm thinking... the theme is subjective. Some might post their best-quality photos, while other might think their best photo comes from a creative standpoint. What really defines our best photo?

In my case, I picked some photos that represent a time in my life when photography really hooked me. It represents the precise moment when I began to see the surroundings differently. We've all seen photos of the Bratislava castle, in Slovakia; or the UFO bridge; and the great European architecture. There are tons of amazing photos of Bratislava out there. However, photography begins to interest me when I'm able to see things from a different point of view. For instance, though other features. I believe these photos are so meaningful to me because if it weren't for the challenge to create different photos I would've given up already.

What your best photo represents to you?

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