The Cat and the Castle in Portugal...

Hello my fellow Hiveian and photography lover.

Hope you’re doing fine and this lovey monday.

Today I’m sharing some photos from a place called “Leiria”. I went there on a quick trip last friday and managed to get some photos. I do say managed bacause out of my 4 batteries only one (who was at a quarter of power) worked. My 2 white label ones, acted like they where at zero… strange… and my other one for some reason also acted like it was ta zero…

In short, even tought I had prepared 3 batteries, to be able to snap away… I only got 30min of camera time…

Having said that… here are some photos, of Leiria… is an old city in the center of Portugal, connected to a famous King D. Dinis… who was a poet.

Let’s start big:

And a look a street:

And maybe my favourite one of this series:

Who can see the cat?

Let’s get into the Church:

One more of a street:

One more (of another) church, there are quite a few churches in a quite small area… if there’s one thing about Portugal, is that.

Let’s get a a few from the Castle:

And yeah, there is a church inside the castle as well:

Here it is. Happy photo taking, happy photo viewing.

Let me know what you think, or have any suggestions.

Wish you well and have a great day.

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