
DSC00386.jpgSince I learn about photography and want to share them online, I grow more appreciation for people who take the time to make their photos look great.


The process of editing a picture takes time. It’s not easy to just point and shoot and then upload them. There’s an editing process that could take more than a few hours depending on how many shots are.


For me personally, moving to camera and organizing them would end up taking more than 20 minutes. Then,sorting them out and moving them to my phone for the final editing. All this takes more than an hour to two hours. Depending on how busy I am and my energy levels, all could be done either in a day or a few days.


And I learn that there’s more satisfaction when the photo turns out great. My recent photography post was something I was quite proud of and today, I am sharing some buildings along with others that I captured from my camera. I hope you liked some of them.

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Another thing I recently learned is conceptual photography. The idea is basically to make an image tells an idea or a story. You can read more on this conceptual photography. I like the idea behind conceptual photography and wanted to try it out soon and see if I get the message across to the viewer. But for now, this is what I can do.


All Images are taken with sony DSC H300 edited with lightroom mobile


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image.pngMac is a jack of all trades. A typical introvert in love with literature, books, technology and philosophy. She is also so into nootropics, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity, and languages. Other than that, she is passionate about cooking and traveling. In her free time, she enjoys learning various things. If you like her content, don't hesitate to upvote, leave a comment or a feedback. A re-blog is also appreciated.
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