Guaymate railway, Dominican Republic (EN/ES)

Hello hive brothers and sisters, today I want to share a bit of this photographic adventure, I have the pleasure of traveling around the Dominican Republic for my work and this time I went to the city of La Romana, more specifically in the municipality of Guaymate, it is an agricultural area that produces sugar cane and its derivatives, It is more or less 20 km from the city of La Romana, its name, according to its inhabitants, comes from the tree more common in the area that bears the name of guamate, they only added one Y to make a variation. with the majority Of its Afro-descendant population, both: Haitians and Dominicans, it is a town mostly made up of labor workers.
What have caught my attention in its passage is the use of railways for the production of sugar cane. In fact, I did a little research and it is called: Central Roman Railway, it was established in 1911 and the most impressive is that there are wagons and tracks of that time. All the locomotives of that time are obsolete, it moves with locomotives of recent date, well, with more than 25 years, but not those of 1911.

As I passed, I could observe many green landscapes and many details in the parked wagons, I did not have the honor to photograph the railway passing but, I have seen it on several occasions, I try to give you a panorama to those who love greenery and nature, a landscape that blends with a cloudy sky that gives it a challenging look,I hope you like my photos, they were taken with a Sony alpha 65v, 50mm lens.

Hola hermanos de hive, hoy les quiero compartir un poco de esta aventura fotografica,tengo el placer de viajar por la republica domininacana por mi trabajo y esta vez fui a la ciudad de la romana, mas especificamente en el municipio de Guaymate, es una zona agricola productora de caña de azucar y sus derivados, esta mas o menos a 20 km de la ciudad de la romana, su nombre, segun sus pobladores proviene del arbol mas comun en la zona que lleva el nombre de guamate, solamente agregaron una y para hacerle una variacion. Con la mayoria de su poblacion afrodescendiente, tanto de haitianos y dominicanos, es un pueblo mayoritariamente de obreros. Lo que mas me llamaba la atencion en su paso es la utilizacion de ferrocarriles para la produccion de caña de azucar.
De hecho investigue un poco y se llama: ferrocarril de romana central, fue establecida en 1911 y lo mas impresionante es que existen vagones y vias de esa epoca. Todas las locomotoras de esa epoca si estan obsoletas, se mueven con locomotoras de data reciende, digo, con mas de 25 años, pero no las de 1911.

A mi paso pude observar muchos paisajes verdes y muchos detalles en los vagones estacionados, no tuve el honor de fotografiar el ferrocarril andando pero si lo he visto en varias oportunidades, trate de darles un panorama para quienes aman el verdor y la naturaleza, un paisaje que se confunde con un cielo nublado que le da un aspecto desafiante, Espero que les guste mis fotografias, fueron tomadas con una Sony alpha 65v, lentes 50mm.


All pictures are taken by me, and also are trademark.

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