Keukenhof tulip photos and answers to December HPUD Guessing Contest

I rarely do this, posting a bunch of photos. Today I was going through my photo archive and realised that I've never posted about my visit to Keukenhof in Amsterdam to see the tulips in May this year.

The timeframe to visit Keukenhof each year is pretty short, this year the park was open from 21st March to 10th May, and I went there in the second last week. It seems such a long time ago, it was spring going onto summer, the beautiful tulips were just toward the end of their full bloom. Keukenhof was so colourful, a sharp contrast to the grey cold winter we are now. There were still a lot of colorful tulips when I was there, and I can imagine how colorful it would have been had I visited during full bloom a few weeks earlier. Anyway, I was still very happy to have made it in time.

It's actually pretty difficult to grasp the size of the park by just looking at the photos. I spent a good half a day there just walking around admiring the tulips, and making some videos. If you're interested in the video, I have it below following the photos. It's in Cantonese, but don't mind that as you just want to look at the beautiful tulips!!










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December HPUD Guessing Contest - How Long?

Last week, I was looking for a photo of me and my handbag for my HPUD Guessing Contest but I couldn't find one. Then, when you don't need it, it appears!! This would have been perfect as I wanted to give people an idea of my handbag strap length before guessing.

Anyway, this month's HPUD Guessing Contest to guess the length of my handbag strap. It was a bit tricky as I didn't give any tips so no one guessed the exact answer. The winner will be the person who guessed the closest. The correct length was 133cm and the person who guessed the closest was @emeka4 at 131 cm. Since you powered up you get a double bonus and your total prize is 40 HBD!!! A big congratulations, I hope you treat yourself to a nice present for Christmas!



Thanks to everyone who entered, here's your HPUD Badge for the month. Look forward to see you in 2023 again!


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