Venizia Photography Series


Venice, Italy trip Nov 2012.

Heres a bit of a back story of my Venizia Photography NFT series ive minted on Binance blockchain in a NFT marketplace called


When i was doing my architecture degree in Manchester 2011-2013, one of my most memorable trip was during my final year where we have to choose a place in a group to do our world urbanism study. We were asked to choose and stay somewhere in the world for 10 days and finish an assignment to understand and to put our thoughts on a certain urban issues/discussion collectively as well as to write our own perspective over the matter.

My classmates and i made the decision to go to Venice to document and observe the Acqua Alta or ‘the big flood’ in which suppposed to be an annual natural phenomena during the heavy rain season in Venice.


This was how it supposed to be. But apparently the whole time when we were there, it was sunny the whole time and unfortunately climate change has shifted the calendar and the season yet at the time.

However, it had given the chance for me to explore the sunny side of Venice, and got to capture beautiful sceneries, landscapes and lighting through countless random strolls and getting lost in the nooks of Venice streets.

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